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Direct access: 集計 , 集合 , 就任 , 主義 , 粛清 , 首相 , 手段 , 首長 , 出馬 , 首都


pronunciation: shuukei
keyword: politics
translation: tally (n.)
集計する: shuukeisuru: tally (v.), make up
集計係: shuukeigakari: tallyman <<<
related words: 合計


pronunciation: shuugou
keyword: politics , mathematics
translation: assembly, gathering, set, ensemble, rendezvous
集合する: shuugousuru: gather, assemble, put together
集合体: shuugoutai: aggregate, set <<<
集合論: shuugouron: set theory <<<
集合場所: shuugoubasho: meeting place <<< 場所
集合名詞: shuugoumeishi: collective noun <<< 名詞
related words: 集会


pronunciation: shuunin
keyword: politics
translation: assumption of office, inauguration
就任する: shuuninsuru: take (up) one's post, take [assume, come into] office (as), be installed (in a post)
就任式: shuuninshiki: inaugural ceremony <<<
就任演説: shuuninnenzetsu: acceptance [inaugural] speech <<< 演説
就任の辞: shuuninnnoji <<<


pronunciation: shugi
keyword: politics
translation: doctrine, principle, ideology, policy, motto, creed, tenet
主義の無い: shuginonai: without principle <<<
主義として: shugitoshite: as principle
主義を守る: shugiomamoru: stick to one's cause, live up to one's principles <<<


pronunciation: shukusei
keyword: politics
translation: cleanup, purge (n.)
粛清する: shukuseisuru: clean up, purge (v.)
synonyms: パージ


pronunciation: shushou
keyword: politics
translation: prime minister, chancellor (of Germany)
首相官邸: shushoukantei: official residence of prime minister <<< 官邸
related words: 大臣


pronunciation: shudan
keyword: politics
translation: step, measure, means, resource, expedient
手段を取る: shudannotoru: take a step [measure] <<<
手段を講じる: shudannokoujiru <<<
手段を誤る: shudannoayamaru: take a wrong step [measure] <<<
手段を尽くす: shudannotsukusu: try every possible means <<<
手段を選ばず: shudannoerabazu: by hook or by crook, by fair means or foul <<<
related words: 方法 , 処置


pronunciation: shuchou
keyword: politics
translation: head, chieftain, sheik
首長選挙: shuchousenkyo: election of the head of a local government <<< 選挙
related words: 首脳


pronunciation: shutsuba
keyword: politics
translation: riding out
出馬する: shutsubasuru: go in person, run [stand] for an election


pronunciation: shuto
keyword: geography , politics
translation: capital (city)
首都圏: shutoken: metropolitan area <<<

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