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Direct access: 便所 , 民家 , 毛布 , 物置 , 屋根 , 洋式 , 洋室 , 浴室 , 浴槽 , 鎧戸


pronunciation: benjo
keyword: house , hygiene
translation: toilet, washroom, rest room, WC
便所へ行く: benjoeiku: go to wash one's hands, go to stool <<<
便所は何処ですか: benjowadokodesuka: Where can I wash my hands? <<< 何処
男便所: otokobenjo: gents' toilet, men's lavatory [restroom, toilet] <<<
女便所: onnnabenjo: female toilets, ladies' cloakroom, women's lavatory [restroom, toilet] <<<
related words: トイレット , 手洗


pronunciation: minka
keyword: house
translation: private house


pronunciation: mouhu
keyword: house
translation: blanket


pronunciation: monooki
keyword: house
translation: lumber room, storehouse, storeroom, warehouse, cellar
related words: 倉庫


pronunciation: yane
keyword: house , construction
translation: roof
屋根瓦: yanegawara: roof tile <<<
屋根板: yaneita: shingle <<<
屋根屋: yaneya: roofer, thatcher <<<
屋根裏: yaneura: attic, garret <<<
屋根裏部屋: yaneurabeya <<< 部屋
屋根窓: yanemado: roof window, attic window, rooflight, skylight <<<
related words: 屋上


pronunciation: youshiki
keyword: house
translation: European [western] style
洋式の: youshikino: European, western
洋式トイレ: youshikitoire: western style lavatory [toilet]


pronunciation: youshitsu
keyword: house
translation: European-style [Western-style] room
antonyms: 和室


pronunciation: yokushitsu
keyword: house
translation: bathroom
related words: 風呂


pronunciation: yokusou
keyword: house
translation: bathtub, bath
related words: 湯船


pronunciation: yoroido
keyword: house
translation: louver door [window], folding shutter
related words: シャッター , ブラインド

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