Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17
Direct access: 展示 , 展覧会 , 伝統 , 陶器 , 陶芸 , 当選 , 銅像 , 独創 , 背景 , 刷毛


pronunciation: tenji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: exhibition, display
展示する: tenjisuru: exhibit (v.), display, place [put] (things) on display
展示会: tenjikai: exhibition, show <<<
展示品: tenjihin: exhibit (n.) <<<


pronunciation: tenrankai
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: art
translation: exhibition, public show
展覧会に行く: tenrankainiiku: visit an exhibition <<<
展覧会を開く: tenrankaiohiraku: hold an exhibition <<<
展覧会場: tenrankaijou: exhibition hall, gallery <<<
展覧会に出品する: tenrankainishuppinsuru: display (pictures) in an exhibition
related words: 博覧


pronunciation: dentou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , art
translation: tradition
伝統的: dentouteki: traditional <<<
伝統的に: dentoutekini: traditionally
伝統に従う: dentounishitagau: follow tradition <<<
伝統に倣う: dentouninarau <<<
伝統を破る: dentouoyaburu: violate tradition <<<
伝統を重んじる: dentouoomonjiru: make much of tradition <<<
伝統を守る: dentouomamoru <<<
伝統主義: dentoushugi: traditionalism <<< 主義
伝統主義者: dentoushugisha: traditionalist <<<
長い伝統: nagaidentou: time-honored tradition <<<
related words: 慣習


pronunciation: touki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: ceramics, pottery
陶器製の: toukiseino: china (a.), ceramic <<<
陶器商: toukishou: china shop, china dealer, crockery <<<
related words: 焼物 , セラミック


pronunciation: tougei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: ceramic art
陶芸家: tougeika: ceramist, potter <<<


pronunciation: tousen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , art
translation: winning election, being elected, prize winning
当選する: tousensuru: be elected, win the prize
当選者: tousensha: elected candidate, prize winner <<<
当選番号: tousenbangou: lucky [winning] number <<< 番号
当選無効: tousenmukou: annulment of one's election <<< 無効
antonyms: 落選


pronunciation: douzou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: bronze statue


pronunciation: dokusou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: originality
独創的: dokusouteki: original, creative <<<
独創性: dokusousei: originality <<<
独創力: dokusouryoku: originality, creative power <<<
synonyms: 独自


pronunciation: haikei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: background, scenery, context, backdrop, backing, support
synonyms: 後援


pronunciation: hake
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: brush (n.), paintbrush
刷毛を掛ける: hakeokakeru: brush (v.) <<<
related words: ブラシ

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