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Direct access: 配線 , 番人 , 引越 , 火鉢 , 吹抜 , 不在 , 風呂 , 噴水 , 部屋 , 別荘


pronunciation: haisen
keyword: electricity , house , construction
translation: wiring
配線する: haisensuru: wire (v.)
配線図: haisenzu: wiring plan <<<


pronunciation: bannnin
keyword: house
translation: guard, watchman, keeper
番人を置く: bannninnooku: place a watch <<<


pronunciation: hikkoshi
other spells: 引っ越
keyword: house
translation: removal
引越する: hikkoshisuru: move in a new house
引越す: hikkosu
引越屋: hikkoshiya: furniture remover, removal man, furniture mover <<<
引越祝い: hikkoshiiwai: housewarming (party) <<<
引越料: hikkoshiryou: removal costs [expenses] <<<
引越先: hikkoshisaki: new address <<<
synonyms: 移転


pronunciation: hibachi
keyword: house
translation: brazier


pronunciation: hukinuke
keyword: house
translation: stairwell
related words: 階段


pronunciation: huzai
keyword: house
translation: absence
不在の: huzaino: absent, out, away from home
不在地主: huzaijinushi: absentee landlord
不在証明: huzaishoumei: alibi <<< 証明 , アリバイ
不在投票: huzaitouhyou: absentee voting [ballot] <<< 投票
related words: 欠席


pronunciation: huro
keyword: house , hygiene
translation: bath, bathtub
風呂に入る: huronihairu: take [have] a bath <<< , 入浴
風呂に入れる: huroniireru: bath (vt.), give a bath
風呂に行く: huroniiku: go to a (public) bath <<<
風呂を立てる: hurootateru: prepare a bath <<<
風呂桶: hurooke: bathtub <<<
風呂場: huroba: bathroom <<< , 浴場
風呂屋: huroya: bathhouse, public bath <<<
風呂番: huroban: bathman <<<
風呂敷: huroshiki: cloth wrapper <<<
related words: シャワー , バス


pronunciation: hunsui
keyword: house
translation: fountain
噴水器: hunsuiki: waterspout <<<
噴水孔: hunsuikou: jet, spout <<<


pronunciation: heya
keyword: house
translation: room, chamber, stable (of sumo)
部屋を借りる: heyaokariru: rent a room <<<
部屋探し: heyasagashi: room hunting <<<
部屋履き: heyabaki: slipper <<<
部屋代: heyadai: room rent <<<
部屋着: heyagi: matinee, negligee <<<
部屋番号: heyabangou: room number <<< 番号
空き部屋: akibeya: vacancy room <<< , 空室
大部屋: oobeya: large room, actors' common room, dormitory <<<
related words: ルーム ,


pronunciation: bessou
keyword: house , travel
translation: cottage, villa, country house
別荘番: bessouban: villa-keeper <<<
別荘地: bessouchi: residential area <<<
貸別荘: kashibessou: villa to rent, rental villa <<<

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