Japanese display
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Direct access: 拓本 , 達人 , 大理石 , 稚拙 , 抽象 , 彫刻 , 彫像 , 調和 , 典型 , 天才


pronunciation: takuhon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: rubbed copy, rubbing, ectype
拓本を取る: takuhonnotoru: rub <<<


pronunciation: tatsujin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: master, expert, wizard
synonyms: 名人


pronunciation: dairiseki
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: material , art
translation: marble
大理石の彫像: dairisekinochouzou: marble statue <<< 彫像


pronunciation: chisetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: childishness
稚拙さ: chisetsusa
稚拙な: chisetsuna: childish


pronunciation: chuushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art , grammar
translation: abstraction
抽象的: chuushouteki: abstract (a.) <<<
抽象的に: chuushoutekini: in the abstract
抽象的概念: chuushoutekigainen: abstract concept <<< 概念
抽象化する: chuushoukasuru: abstract (v.) <<<
抽象派: chuushouha: abstractionism <<<
抽象論: chuushouron: abstract argument <<<
抽象画: chuushouga: abstract painting <<<
抽象芸術: chuushougeijutsu: abstract art <<< 芸術
抽象名詞: chuushoumeishi: abstract noun <<< 名詞
related words: 具体


pronunciation: choukoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: sculpture (n.), carving, engraving
彫刻する: choukokusuru: sculpture (v.), carve, engrave, chisel
彫刻的: choukokuteki: sculpturesque, statuelike <<<
彫刻家: choukokuka: sculptor, carver, engraver <<<
彫刻師: choukokushi <<<
彫刻刀: choukokutou: graver, burin, chisel <<<


pronunciation: chouzou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: carved statue, sculpture, torso


pronunciation: chouwa
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: art , music
translation: harmony, agreement, concord, balance
調和した: chouwashita: harmonious
調和の取れた: chouwanotoreta <<<
調和しない: chouwashinai: inharmonious, discordant
調和する: chouwasuru: harmonize (vi.), match
調和させる: chouwasaseru: harmonize (vt.)
調和関数: chouwakansuu: harmonic function <<< 関数
調和数列: chouwasuuretsu: harmonic progression
related words: ハーモニー


pronunciation: tenkei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: type, model, specimen, pattern
典型的な: tenkeitekina: typical, model, ideal <<<
非典型的: hitenkeiteki: atypical
美の典型: binotenkei: paragon of beauty <<<
related words: モデル


pronunciation: tensai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art
translation: genius, prodigy
天才的: tensaiteki: gifted, talented <<<
天才児: tensaiji: infant prodigy <<<
天才教育: tensaikyouiku: genius education <<< 教育
related words: 英明

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