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Direct access: 小熊 , 子鹿 , 子羊 , 山椒 , 産卵 , 雑種 , 飼育 , 獅子 , 尻尾 , 縞馬


pronunciation: koguma
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 子熊
keyword: animal , astronomy
translation: little bear
小熊座: kogumaza: Ursa Minor, Little Bear <<<


pronunciation: kojika
kanji characters: , 鹿
other spells: 小鹿
keyword: animal
translation: fawn


pronunciation: kohitsuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: lamb
related words: ラム


pronunciation: sanshou
kanji characters:
keyword: plant , animal
translation: Japanese pepper
山椒魚: sanshouuo: salamander <<<
大山椒魚: oosanshouuo: Japanese giant salamander, Andrias japonicus <<<


pronunciation: sanran
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: laying (of bird), spawning
産卵する: sanransuru: lay eggs, spawn
産卵期: sanranki: spawning season <<<
産卵場: sanranjou: spawning [breeding] ground <<<


pronunciation: zasshu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal , biology
translation: mixed breed, crossbreed
雑種の: zasshuno: cross-bred, hybrid, mongrel, miscellaneous
雑種を作る: zasshuotsukuru: cross one breed with another, cross two breeds, interbreed <<<
雑種犬: zasshuken: mongrel dog <<<
related words: 混血 , ハイブリッド


pronunciation: shiiku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: breeding, rearing
飼育する: shiikusuru: breed, raise, rear
飼育者: shiikusha: breeder <<<
飼育場: shiikujou: breeding farm <<<
related words: 養殖


pronunciation: shishi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal , astronomy
translation: lion, lioness
獅子座: shishiza: Leo, the Lion <<<
獅子鼻: shishibana: pug (snub) nose <<<
related words: ライオン


pronunciation: shippo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: tail, scut, end
尻尾を出す: shippoodasu: show the cloven hoof <<<
尻尾を巻く: shippoomaku: admit one's defeat <<<
尻尾を握る: shippoonigiru: find a person's weak point <<<
尻尾を掴む: shippootsukamu <<<
尻尾を振る: shippoohuru: wag its tail <<<
犬の尻尾: inunoshippo: dog's tail <<<
猫の尻尾: nekonoshippo: cat's tail <<<


pronunciation: shimauma
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: zebra

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