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Direct access: 入隊 , 年金 , 年配 , 年齢 , 波乱 , 晩年 , 悲惨 , 不運 , 不屈 , 不幸


pronunciation: nyuutai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , life
translation: enrollment, enlistment
入隊する: nyuutaisuru: join the army
入隊式: nyuutaishiki: induction <<<
入隊者: nyuutaisha: recruit <<<


pronunciation: nenkin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life , finance
translation: pension, annuity
年金受領者: nenkinjuryousha: pensioner, annuitant


pronunciation: nenpai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 年輩
keyword: life , family
translation: elder (n.)
年配の: nenpaino: elder (a.), elderly
年配の人: nenpainohito: elderly person <<<


pronunciation: nenrei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: age
年齢を問わず: nenreiotowazu: regardless of age <<<
年齢層: nenreisou: age group <<<
年齢制限: nenreiseigen: age limit <<< 制限


pronunciation: haran
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 波瀾
keyword: life
translation: disturbance, trouble, , vicissitudes, ups and downs, fluctuations
波乱に富んだ: harannnitonda: eventful <<<
波乱を起す: harannookosu: create disturbance, cause trouble <<<
波乱万丈: haranbanjou: vicissitudes [ups and downs] of life
related words: 騒動


pronunciation: bannnen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: one's later years
晩年に: bannnennni: when he is old
related words: 老後


pronunciation: hisan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: tragedy, misery
悲惨な: hisannna: tragic, miserable, wretched, distressful, dire
悲惨を極める: hisannokiwameru: be in the depth of misery <<<
悲惨な最期: hisannnasaigo: tragic death [end] <<< 最期
悲惨な最期を遂げる: hisannnasaigootogeru: meet with a tragic death [end] <<<
悲惨な生活: hisannnaseikatsu: miserable [wretched] life, dog's life <<< 生活
悲惨な光景: hisannnakoukei: terrible sight <<< 光景


pronunciation: huun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: misfortune, ill luck
不運な: huunnna: unfortunate, unlucky, ill-fated
不運にも: huunnnimo: unfortunately, unluckily
不運と諦める: huuntoakirameru: resign oneself to fate <<<
related words: 幸運


pronunciation: hukutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: dauntlessness
不屈の: hukutsuno: undaunted, dauntless
不屈の精神: hukutsunoseishin: indomitable spirit, fortitude, inner strength <<< 精神
不屈の意志: hukutsunoishi <<< 意志


pronunciation: hukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: misfortune, unhappiness, ill luck, disaster
不幸な: hukouna: unhappy, unfortunate, unlucky, miserable
不幸にも: hukounimo: unfortunately, unluckily
不幸続き: hukoutsuZuki: a spell of bad luck <<<
不幸に生まれ付く: hukouniumaretsuku: be born under an unlucky star
related words: 災難

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