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Direct access: 台所 , 暖炉 , 地下 , 茶室 , 手洗 , 手伝 , 手作り , 転居 , 天井 , 出口


pronunciation: daidokoro
keyword: house
translation: kitchen
台所の: daidokorono: culinary
台所が苦しい: daidokorogakurushii: have difficulty to make ends meet <<<
台所道具: daidokorodougu: kitchen utensils <<< 道具
台所仕事: daidokoroshigoto: kitchen work <<< 仕事
台所仕事をする: daidokoroshigotoosuru: cook
台所をする: daidokoroosuru
related words: 勝手


pronunciation: danro
keyword: house
translation: fireplace, hearth, stove
暖炉を焚く: danrootaku: make a fire in the stove <<<
related words: 囲炉裏 , ストーブ


pronunciation: chika
keyword: house , construction
translation: underground (n.)
地下の: chikano: subterranean, underground (a.)
地下に潜る: chikanimoguru: go underground <<<
地下に埋める: chikaniumeru: bury underground <<<
地下道: chikadou: subway, underpass <<<
地下水: chikasui: subterranean [underground] water <<<
地下鉄: chikatetsu: subway, metro, underground, tube <<<
地下室: chikashitsu: basement, underground (room) <<<
地下街: chikagai: underground center <<<
地下茎: chikakei: subterranean stem <<<
地下資源: chikashigen: underground resources <<< 資源
地下活動: chikakatsudou: secret activity <<< 活動
地下組織: chikasoshiki: secret organization <<< 組織
related words: 地中 , 地底


pronunciation: chashitsu
keyword: house
translation: tearoom, tea ceremony room


pronunciation: tearai
keyword: house
translation: hand-washing, washstand, toilet, washroom, lavatory
手洗い場: tearaiba: washstand, toilet, washroom, lavatory <<<
手洗い所: tearaijo <<<
手洗い水: tearaisui: water for hand-washing <<<
手洗い鉢: tearaibachi: washbowl, washbasin <<<
related words: トイレット , 便所


pronunciation: tetsudai
keyword: house
translation: help (n.), aid (n.), assist (n.), helper
手伝う: tetsudau: help (v.), aid (v.), assist (v.)
御手伝いさん: otetsudaisan: housemaid <<< , 女中
related words: 援助 , ヘルパー


pronunciation: teZukuri
keyword: house
translation: homemade cooking [article]
手作りの: teZukurino: handmade (a.), homemade
手作り料理: teZukuriryouri: homemade cooking <<< 料理
手作りのパン: teZukurinopan: homemade bread


pronunciation: tenkyo
keyword: house
translation: change of residence, removal
転居する: tenkyosuru: change one's residence [address]
synonyms: 引越
related words: 移転


pronunciation: tenjou
keyword: house
translation: ceiling
天井を張る: tenjouoharu: ceil a room, furnish with a ceiling <<<
天井裏で: tenjouurade: on the ceiling <<<
天井知らずの: tenjoushirazuno: skyrocketing <<<
天井を打つ: tenjououtsu: reach the ceiling <<<
天井窓: tenjoumado: hatch, skylight <<<
天井画: tenjouga: ceiling fresco <<<
天井価格: tenjoukakaku: ceiling price, top price <<< 価格
天井桟敷: tenjousajiki: gallery <<< 桟敷


pronunciation: deguchi
keyword: house , transport
translation: exit, outlet, way out, egress
出口の無い: deguchinonai: no way out, no exit, dead-end, hopeless <<<
出口調査: deguchichousa: exit poll <<< 調査
antonyms: 入口

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