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Direct access: 登竜門 , 年頃 , 年寄 , 渡世 , 独身 , 長生き , 長年 , 仲人 , 何歳 , 入学


pronunciation: touryuumon
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: life
translation: gateway to success, opening to honors
related words: 成功


pronunciation: toshigoro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: age, marriageable age, nubility, puberty, adolescence
年頃の: toshigorono: marriageable, of marriageable age, pubescent, nubile
年頃に成る: toshigoroninaru: reach a marriageable age, become adolescent <<<
同じ年頃の: onajitoshigorono: of an age <<<


pronunciation: toshiyori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: old [aged] person, the old, the aged, retired sumo wrestler
年寄に成る: toshiyorininaru: grow old, reach an old age <<<
年寄り染みた: toshiyorijimita: old-fashioned, old before one's time <<<
年寄臭い: toshiyorikusai <<<
年寄の: toshiyorino: old, aged
年寄の冷水: toshiyorinohiyamizu: indiscretion of the old <<< 冷水
synonyms: 老人


pronunciation: tosei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: subsistence, livelihood, living
渡世する: toseisuru: earn one's livelihood, earn one's living


pronunciation: dokushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family , life
translation: bachelorhood, spinsterhood, celibacy
独身の: dokushinnno: unmarried, single, bachelor, celibate
独身で暮らす: dokushindekurasu: live (remain) single <<<
独身を通す: dokushinnotoosu: remain single (unmarried) for life <<<
独身者: dokushinsha: unmarried person, bachelor, spinster, old maid <<<
独身生活: dokushinseikatsu: single life <<< 生活
独身主義: dokushinshugi: bachelorism, old-maidism <<< 主義
related words: 結婚


pronunciation: nagaiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life , health
translation: long life, longevity
長生きする: nagaikisuru: live long, outlive, outlast
related words: 長寿


pronunciation: naganen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: (for) many years
長年の経験: naganennnokeiken: long experience <<< 経験
長年の習慣: neganennnoshuukan: old habit <<< 習慣
長年の勤務: naganennnokinmu: long service <<< 勤務


pronunciation: nakoudo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: go-between, matchmaker
仲人をする: nakoudoosuru: act as go-between [matchmaker]
仲人口を利く: nakoudoguchiokiku: say all sorts of nice things (about a person)
related words: 世話


pronunciation: nansai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: how old
何歳ですか: nansaidesuka: How old are you? What is your age?
彼は何歳ですか: karehanansaidesuka: How old is he? <<<


pronunciation: nyuugaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school , life
translation: school entrance
入学する: nyuugakusuru: enter school, enroll
入学金: nyuugakukin: entrance [enrollment] fee <<<
入学式: nyuugakushiki: entrance ceremony <<<
入学期: nyuugakuki: entrance period <<<
入学生: nyuugakusei: new student, freshman <<<
入学難: nyuugakunan: difficulty in obtaining school admission <<<
入学を許可する: nyuugakuokyokasuru: admit a student <<< 許可
入学許可: nyuugakukyoka: admission
入学願書: nyuugakugansho: application for admission
入学試験: nyuugakushiken: entrance examination <<< 試験
入学試験を受ける: nyuugakushikennoukeru: take [sit for] an entrance examination <<<
入学資格: nyuugakushikaku: requirements for admission <<< 資格
related words: 卒業 , 新入

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