Japanese display
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Direct access: 羽織 , 羽田 , 浜松 , 原宿 , 阪神 , 日立 , 雛祭 , 姫路 , 兵庫 , 広島


pronunciation: haori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan , clothes
translation: haori, Japanese (kimono) jacket
陣羽織: jinbaori: Japanese tabard <<<
related words:


pronunciation: haneda
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Haneda (airport)
羽田空港: hanedakuukou: Haneda Airport <<< 空港
羽田飛行場: hanedahikoujou


pronunciation: hamamatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Hamamatsu (city)
浜松市: hamamatsushi: City of Hamamatsu (in Shizuoka prefecture) <<<
浜松町: hamamatsuchou: Hamamatsucho (a district of Minato Ward, Tokyo) <<<
related words: 静岡


pronunciation: harajuku
kanji characters: , 宿
keyword: japan
translation: Harajuku (a district of Shibuya Ward, Tokyo)
related words: 渋谷


pronunciation: hanshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Osaka Kobe region
阪神大震災: hanshindaishinsai: Great Hanshin earthquake
阪神電鉄: hanshindentetsu: Hanshin Electric Railway
阪神タイガース: hanshintaigaasu: Hanshin Tigers (a Japanese baseball club)
related words: 大阪 , 神戸


pronunciation: hitachi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Hitachi (city, Ltd.)
日立市: hitachishi: city of Hitachi (Ibaraki) <<< , 茨城
日立製作所: hitachiseisakusho: Hitachi Ltd. (multinational engineering company)


pronunciation: hinamatsuri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: fest , japan
translation: Hinamatsuri, Girl's day, Doll festival
related words:


pronunciation: himeji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Himeji (city)
姫路市: himejishi: City of Himeji <<<
姫路城: himejijou: Himeji Castle <<<
related words:


pronunciation: hyougo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Hyogo (prefecture)
兵庫県: hyougoken: Prefecture of Hyogo <<<
related words:


pronunciation: hiroshima
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japan
translation: Hiroshima
広島県: hiroshimaken: Prefecture of Hiroshima <<<
広島市: hiroshimashi: City of Hiroshima <<<
広島湾: hiroshimawan: Hiroshima Bay <<<
広島空港: hiroshimakuukou: Hiroshima Airport <<< 空港
related words:

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