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Direct access: 煙草 , 接木 , 菜種 , 南天 , 苦蓬 , 庭常 , 年輪 , 胚芽 , 芭蕉 , 双葉


pronunciation: tabako
kanji characters: ,
other spells: タバコ
keyword: plant , amusement
translation: tobacco, cigarette, cigar
煙草入れ: tabakoire: tobacco pouch, cigarette case <<<
煙草を吸う: tabakoosuu: smoke a cigarette <<<
煙草を飲む: tabakoonomu <<<
煙草を吹かす: tabakoohukasu: puff away at one's pipe [cigar, cigarette] <<<
煙草屋: tabakoya: tobacco shop, cigar store, tobacconist <<<
煙草店: tabakoten: tobacco shop, cigar store <<<
煙草盆: tabakobon: tobacco tray <<<
葉煙草: hatabako: leaf tobacco <<<
嗅ぎ煙草: kagitabako: snuff <<<
刻み煙草: kizamitabako: cut tobacco <<<
噛み煙草: kamitabako: chewing tobacco <<<
related words: 葉巻 , 喫煙 , パイプ


pronunciation: tsugiki
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 接ぎ木
keyword: plant
translation: grafting, grafted tree
接木する: tsugikisuru: graft (a tree on another)
related words: 挿木


pronunciation: natane
kanji characters: ,
keyword: plant
translation: rapeseed, colza
菜種油: nataneabura: rapeseed [colza] oil <<<
related words: 菜の花 , 油菜


pronunciation: nanten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: plant , astronomy
translation: nandin, southern sky


pronunciation: nigayomogi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: ニガヨモギ
keyword: plant
translation: wormwood, vermouth, absinthe


pronunciation: niwatoko
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 接骨木, ニワトコ
keyword: plant
translation: elderberry


pronunciation: nenrin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: plant
translation: annual ring (of a tree)


pronunciation: haiga
kanji characters:
keyword: plant
translation: embryo of plant, cereal germ
胚芽米: haigamai: rice with germ <<<


pronunciation: bashou
kanji characters:
keyword: plant
translation: banana plant
水芭蕉: mizubashou: Asian [white] skunk cabbage <<<
related words: バナナ


pronunciation: hutaba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: plant
translation: cotyledon, seed leaf
双葉のうちに摘む: hutabanouchinitsumu: nip in the bud <<<

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