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Direct access: 聖歌 , 声楽 , 専属 , 旋律 , 奏者 , 総譜 , 短調 , 調音 , 調子 , 調律


pronunciation: seika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity , music
translation: sacred song, hymn, carol
聖歌集: seikashuu: hymnal <<<
聖歌隊: seikatai: choir <<<
聖歌隊の少年: seikatainoshounen: altar boy <<< 少年
聖歌隊で歌う: seikataideutau: sing at the lectern <<<


pronunciation: seigaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: vocal music
声楽家: seigakuka: vocalist, singer <<< , 歌手
声楽科: seigakuka: vocal music course <<<


pronunciation: senzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show , music
translation: exclusive belonging
専属する: senzokusuru: belong exclusively
専属の: senzokuno: exclusive, specially attached to


pronunciation: senritsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: melody
旋律的: senritsuteki: melodic, melodious <<<
related words: メロディー


pronunciation: sousha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: (music) player


pronunciation: souhu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: full score
related words: 楽譜


pronunciation: tanchou
kanji characters: , 調
keyword: music
translation: minor key
短調で: tanchoude: in a minor key
ニ短調: nitanchou: D minor
ホ短調: hotanchou: E minor


pronunciation: chouon
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: music
translation: articulation
調音する: chouonsuru: articulate


pronunciation: choushi
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: music
translation: tune, key, note, pitch, tone, vein
調子が合う: choushigaau: get in tune <<<
調子が外れる: choushigahazureru: get out of tune <<<
調子が狂う: choushigakuruu <<<
調子外れの: choushihazureno: discordant, out of tune <<<
調子を合わせる: choushioawaseru: tune up, put in tune, keep tune (with) <<<
調子を変える: choushiokaeru: modulate (a tone), change one's tone, change one's tune <<<
調子が良い: choushigaii: be in good condition, be in shape <<<
調子が悪い: choushigawarui: be in poor condition <<<
調子が出る: choushigaderu: warm up, get along, be in full swing <<<
調子付く: choushiZuku <<<
調子に乗る: choushininoru: get into the swing, be elated, let oneself go <<<
related words: 音程 , テンポ , リズム


pronunciation: chouritsu
kanji characters: 調 ,
keyword: music
translation: tuning
調律する: chouritsusuru: tune (v.), put in tune
調律師: chouritsushi: tuner <<<

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