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Direct access: 海豚 , 獲物 , 牡牛 , 牡鹿 , 膃肭臍 , 鉤爪 , 家畜 , 河馬 , 咬み傷 , 去勢


pronunciation: iruka
kanji characters: ,
other spells: イルカ
keyword: animal , astronomy
translation: dolphin, porpoise
海豚座: irukaza: Delphinus <<<
related words:


pronunciation: emono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: game, bag, catch, take, prize, booty, spoils, capture
獲物の多い: emononoooi: abounding in game, well-stocked with game <<<
獲物を追う: emonooou: chase game <<<
獲物入れ: emonoire: gamebag <<<
related words: 狩猟


pronunciation: oushi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 雄牛
keyword: animal , astronomy
translation: ox, bull
牡牛座: oushiza: Taurus <<<


pronunciation: oshika, ojika
kanji characters: , 鹿
other spells: 男鹿
keyword: animal
translation: stag, buck
牡鹿半島: oshikahantou, ojikahantou: Oshika [Ojika] Peninsula <<< 半島
related words: 宮城


pronunciation: ottosei
kanji characters:
other spells: オットセイ
keyword: animal
translation: fur seal
related words: 海馬


pronunciation: kagiZume, kagitsume
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal , bird
translation: claw


pronunciation: kachiku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: domestic animals, livestock
家畜を飼う: kachikuokau: raise livestock <<<
家畜の群れ: kachikunomure: livestock herd <<<
家畜車: kachikusha: cattle truck <<<
家畜市場: kachikushijou: cattle market <<< 市場
家畜小屋: kachikugoya: cowshed <<< 小屋
家畜病院: kachikubyouin: veterinary hospital <<< 病院


pronunciation: kaba
kanji characters: ,
other spells: カバ
keyword: animal
translation: hippopotamus, river horse


pronunciation: kamikizu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 噛み傷
keyword: animal
translation: bite


pronunciation: kyosei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: animal
translation: castration, emasculation
去勢する: kyoseisuru: castrate, emasculate, geld, enervate, deprive of vigor
去勢馬: kyoseiuma: gelding <<<
去勢牛: kyoseiushi: bullock <<<
去勢鶏: kyoseidori: capon <<<
去勢羊: kyoseihitsuji: wether <<<

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