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Direct access: 住宅 , 住人 , 女中 , 水道 , 住処 , 整頓 , 洗濯 , 造園 , 建物 , 大工


pronunciation: juutaku
keyword: house , realty
translation: house, residence, dwelling
住宅難: juutakunan: housing shortage <<<
住宅費: juutakuhi: housing expenses <<<
住宅地: juutakuchi: residence area <<<
住宅区域: juutakukuiki <<< 区域
住宅手当: juutakuteate: housing allowance <<< 手当
住宅問題: juutakumondai: housing problem <<< 問題
住宅組合: juutakukumiai: housing cooperative <<< 組合
住宅公団: juutakukoudan: Housing Corporation <<< 公団
住宅ローン: juutakuroon: housing loan
synonyms: , 住居


pronunciation: juunin
keyword: house
translation: inhabitant, resident, dweller, tenant
synonyms: 住民


pronunciation: jochuu
keyword: house , job
translation: maidservant, housemaid, female servant
synonyms: メイド
antonyms: 下男


pronunciation: suidou
keyword: house , town , geography
translation: water supply, water service, waterworks, (sea) channel
水道の水: suidounomizu: city water, tap-water <<<
水道を引く: suidouohiku: have water (pipes) laid, have water supplied, lay on water <<<
水道管: suidoukan: water pipe <<<
水道栓: suidousen: hydrant, house tap <<<
水道局: suidoukyoku: waterworks bureau <<<
水道料: suidouryou: water rates [charges] <<<
水道料金: suidouryoukin <<< 料金
水道工事: suidoukouji: water supply works, laying on water <<< 工事
水道設備: suidousetsubi: water conveyance <<< 設備
水道会社: suidougaisha: water (service) company <<< 会社
related words: 海峡 , 下水


pronunciation: sumika
other spells: 住家, 棲家
keyword: house
translation: dwelling (house), residence


pronunciation: seiton
keyword: house
translation: (good) order, arrangement
整頓する: seitonsuru: put in order, arrange, clear up, adjust
整頓した: seitonshita: orderly, neat
related words: 整理


pronunciation: sentaku
keyword: house , hygiene
translation: wash, washing, laundry
洗濯する: sentakusuru: wash (v.), launder
洗濯が効く: sentakugakiku: stand (bear) washing, be washable <<<
洗濯機: sentakki: washing machine, washer <<<
洗濯屋: sentakuya: laundry, laundryman, laundress <<<
洗濯板: sentakuita: washboard <<<
洗濯籠: sentakukago: laundry basket, linen basket <<<
洗濯鋏: sentakubasami: clothespin, peg <<<
洗濯代: sentakudai: laundry charge <<<
洗濯物: sentakumono: the laundry <<<
洗濯石鹸: sentakusekken: washing soap <<< 石鹸
related words: クリーニング


pronunciation: zouen
keyword: house , art
translation: landscape gardening
造園する: zouensuru: lay out a garden
造園家: zouenka: landscape gardener <<<
related words: 庭園


pronunciation: tatemono
keyword: house , construction
translation: building, structure, edifice
建物会社: tatemonogaisha: building company <<< 会社
related words: 建築


pronunciation: daiku
keyword: house , construction
translation: carpenter, joiner
大工仕事: daikushigoto: carpentry <<< 仕事
大工道具: daikudougu: carpenter's tools <<< 道具
大工の棟梁: daikunotouryou: master carpenter

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