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Direct access: 光学 , 光輝 , 光源 , 光芒 , 残像 , 写真 , 照度 , 閃光 , 点滅 , 反映


pronunciation: kougaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: optics
光学の: kougakuno: optical
光学機器: kougakukiki: optical instruments <<< 機器
光学器械: kougakukikai <<< 器械
光学ガラス: kougakugarasu: optical glass
光学ドライブ: kougakudoraibu: optical drive


pronunciation: kouki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: brilliance, brilliancy, glory
光輝有る: koukiaru: brilliant, splendid, glorious <<<
光輝を放つ: koukiohanatsu: glitter, shine brilliantly <<<
光輝を失う: koukioushinau: lose brilliancy <<<
synonyms: 名誉 , 栄誉


pronunciation: kougen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: source of light


pronunciation: koubou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: beam [shaft] of light


pronunciation: zanzou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: afterimage


pronunciation: shashin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art , optics
translation: photograph (n.), photo, picture
写真の: shashinnno: photographic
写真を取る: shashinnotoru: take picture, take a photo, photograph (v.), snap, shoot <<<
写真機: shashinki: camera <<< , カメラ
写真家: shashinka: photographer <<<
写真屋: shashinnya: photo studio <<<
写真術: shashinjutsu: photography <<<
写真版: shashinban: photo-type, photogravure <<<
写真帳: shashinchou: photo album <<<
写真アルバム: shashinnarubamu
写真判定: shashinhantei: photo-finish <<< 判定
写真コンテスト: shashinkontesuto: photographic contest, photo-contest
青写真: aojashin: blueprint, sketch <<<
related words: フィルム


pronunciation: shoudo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: illuminance, lux
照度計: shoudokei: illuminance meter <<<
related words: 輝度


pronunciation: senkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics , weather
translation: flash, gleam, glitter, sparkle, glance
閃光灯: senkoutou: flash light <<<
閃光電球: senkoudenkyuu: flash bulb <<< 電球
閃光写真: senkoushashin: flashing photography <<< 写真
閃光が走る: senkougahashiru: Lightning flashes <<<
synonyms: フラッシュ , 稲妻 , 稲光


pronunciation: tenmetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: blinking
点滅する: tenmetsusuru: blink, turn on and off, go on and off
点滅器: tenmetsuki: switch <<<


pronunciation: hannei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: optics
translation: reflection, mirror (of the times)
反映する: hanneisuru: reflect, be reflected (in)

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