Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17
Direct access: 永世 , 永眠 , 縁談 , 生立 , 往生 , 思い出 , 恩人 , 開運 , 回想 , 火葬


pronunciation: eisei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: permanence
永世中立: eiseichuuritsu: permanent neutrality <<< 中立
永世中立国: eiseichuuritsukoku: permanently neutral state <<<
永世名人: eiseimeijin: (title of) permanent master <<< 名人
related words: 永遠


pronunciation: eimin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: death, eternal sleep
永眠する: eiminsuru: die, pass away, breathe one's last
related words:


pronunciation: endan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love , life
translation: marriage proposal
縁談が有る: endangaaru: have a proposal of marriage <<<
縁談に応じる: endannnioujiru: accept an offer of marriage <<<
縁談を断る: endannokotowaru: refuse an offer of marriage <<<
縁談を纏める: endannomatomeru: arrange a marriage, make a match <<<
related words: 結婚 , 婚約


pronunciation: oitachi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 生い立
keyword: life
translation: growth, bringing-up, one's personal history, one's childhood
生立の記: oitachinoki: sory of one's childhood <<<


pronunciation: oujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: death
往生する: oujousuru: die, pass away, breathe one's last, be at a loss
往生際: oujougiwa: deathbed, one's last moment <<<
往生際が悪い: oujougiwagawarui: do not readily resign oneself to fate, be a bad loser <<<
大往生: daioujou: natural [peaceful] death (in old age) <<<
大往生を遂げる: daioujouotogeru: die in peace <<<
立ち往生する: tachioujousuru: come [be brought] to a standstill [deadlock], be stalled, be stuck (in a place), be at one's wit's end, be in a fix <<<
related words:


pronunciation: omoide
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 想い出
keyword: life
translation: memory, remembrance, recollection, reminiscence
思い出す: omoidasu: remember, recollect, recall
思い出に耽る: omoidenihukeru: reminisce <<<
思い出多い: omoideooi: full of memories, memorable <<<
related words: 記憶 , 回想 , 追憶


pronunciation: onjin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: benefactor
命の恩人: inochinoonjin: saver of life <<<


pronunciation: kaiun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: improvement of one's fortune
開運を祈る: kaiunnoinoru: pray for better fortune <<<
開運の兆し: kaiunnnokizashi: augury of better fortune <<<
開運の御守: kaiunnnoomamori: charm of luck <<< 御守


pronunciation: kaisou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: retrospection, reminiscence, recollection, memories
回想する: kaisousuru: retrospect, reminisce, recollect, recall
回想録: kaisouroku: recollections, reminiscences, memoirs <<<
回想場面: kaisoubamen: retrospect sequence <<< 場面
related words: 思い出


pronunciation: kasou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: cremation
火葬の: kasouno: crematory (a.)
火葬する: kasousuru: cremate
火葬場: kasouba: crematory (n.), crematorium <<<
火葬所: kasoujo <<<
火葬炉: kasouro: crematory oven <<<

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