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Direct access: 処分 , 除去 , 騒音 , 廃棄 , 排出 , 不用 , 防護 , 有害 , 油膜 , 流出


pronunciation: shobun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment , justice
translation: disposal, disposition, punishment
処分する: shobunsuru: dispose, clean up, punish
処分品: shobunhin: clearance goods <<<
処分場: shobunjou: garbage dump <<<
synonyms: 始末


pronunciation: jokyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment
translation: removal, elimination, exclusion
除去する: jokyosuru: get rid of, remove, scour


pronunciation: souon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment , audio
translation: noise
騒音を立てる: souonnotateru: make a noise <<<
騒音公害: souonkougai: noise nuisance [pollution], sound [audio] pollution <<< 公害
騒音防止: souonboushi: prevention of noise <<< 防止
町の騒音: machinosouon: street noise, city sounds, din and bustle of a city <<<
街の騒音: machinosouon <<<


pronunciation: haiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment , law
translation: abandonment, discard (n.), abrogation
廃棄する: haikisuru: abandon, discard (v.), scrape, abrogate
廃棄物: haikibutsu: scraped material, waste matters <<<
related words: 破棄 , 放棄


pronunciation: haishutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment
translation: discharge (n.), eject, exhaust, emission
排出する: haishutsusuru: discharge (v.), eject, exhaust, emit
排出権: haishutsuken: emission rights <<<
排出権取引: haishutsukentorihiki: emissions trading <<< 取引
排出量: haishutsuryou: emission quantity <<<
排出器: haishutsuki: ejector <<<
排出装置: haishutsusouchi <<< 装置
related words: 排気


pronunciation: huyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment
translation: uselessness, inutility
不用の: huyouno: useless, unnecessary, disused
不用の節は: huyounosetsuha: if (it is) not wanted, when (it is) out of use <<<
不用に成る: huyouninaru: fall into desuetude, become useless <<<
不用物: huyoubutsu: disused [discarded] article <<<
不用品: huyouhin <<<


pronunciation: bougo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment
translation: protection, defense
防護する: bougosuru: protect, defend
防護服: bougohuku: protective suit <<<
防護壁: bougoheki: protective wall <<<
防護マスク: bougomasuku: protective mask
related words: 防御


pronunciation: yuugai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment
translation: harmfulness
有害な: yuugaina: harmful, toxic, poisonous, detrimental
有害である: yuugaidearu: do harm, be harmful (injurious) to
有害物質: yuugaibusshitsu: contaminant, harmful substance, pollutant <<< 物質
antonyms: 無害


pronunciation: yumaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment
translation: oil slick


pronunciation: ryuushutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: environment
translation: outflow, efflux, spill
流出する: ryuushutsusuru: flow [run] out, issue (from), spill (from, over)

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