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category: to learn in school
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 10
translation: warehouse, storehouse, cellar, granary, armory, magazine
ko, ku
庫: kura <<< ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: family , house
Number of strokes: 10
translation: house, dwelling, residence, home, family
ka, ke
家: ie
家の無い: ienonai: homeless <<<
家の中で: ienonakade: inside the house, indoors <<<
家の外で: ienosotode: outside the house, outdoors <<<
家に居る: ieniiru: stay at home <<<
家に居ない: ieniinai: be out, be away from home <<<
家に帰る: ienikaeru: go [return] home <<<
家を持つ: ieomotsu: make one's home, settle down <<<
家を空ける: ieoakeru: vacate a house, stay out <<<
家: uchi: house, home <<<
家: ya: pers.
synonyms: , , ホーム

category: to learn in school
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 11
translation: window
窓: mado: window, peephole, skylight
窓を開ける: madooakeru: open the window <<<
窓を閉める: madooshimeru: close the window <<<
窓から眺める: madokaranagameru: look at something through the window <<<
窓から見る: madokaramiru <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 12
translation: stairs, steps, ladder, class, rank, position
階: kizahashi: stairs, steps
階: hashigo: ladder <<< 梯子
階: shina: class, rank, position <<<
synonyms: フロアー

category: to learn in school
keyword: time , house
Number of strokes: 12
translation: space, room, between, during
kan, ken
間: aida: space, distance, intervals, relations, between
間か: shizuka: calm, quiet <<<
間かに: hisokani: secretly <<<
間てる: hedateru: separate <<<
間: ma: spare time, leisure, interval, timing, room (jp.), chamber
間を空ける: maoakeru: leave a space (between) <<<
間を置く: maooku <<<
間を置いて: maooite: at intervals <<<
間が有る: magaaru: have time, There is some time before <<<
間も無く: mamonaku: soon, presently, shortly, before long, in a short time <<<
間が悪い: magawarui: be unlucky, feel awkward [embarrassed] <<<
間が悪く: magawaruku: unluckily, unfortunately <<<
間に合う: maniau: be in time (for), catch, answer [serve] the purpose, be of use, be enough <<<
間に合わせ: maniawase: makeshift (n.), stopgap, apology <<<
間に合わせの: maniawaseno: makeshift (a.), temporary <<<
間に合わせる: maniawaseru: make shift (with), manage (with), make (a thing) to, have [get] (a thing) ready <<<
synonyms: スペース

category: to learn in school
other spells: 藏
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 15
translation: hide (org.), put in, store, Tibet (pref., suff.)
蔵: kura: warehouse (n.), storehouse, cellar, granary
蔵に入れる: kuraniireru: store (v.), warehouse <<<
蔵める: osameru: put in, store <<<
蔵す: kakusu: hide, conceal <<<
related words: チベット

category: to learn in school
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 16
translation: mansion, palace, house, building
館: yakata: mansion, palace

category: common usage
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 4
translation: well (for water)
sei, jou, shou
井: i: well
井の中の蛙大海を知らず: inonakanokawazutaikaioshirazu: The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean
井: ido: well

category: common usage
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 7
translation: floor, ground, bed
shou, sou
床: yuka: floor (n.), ground
床を張る: yukaoharu: floor (v.) <<<
床しい: yukashii: tasteful (jp.), refined, graceful, sweet, charming, admirable <<< エレガント
床しさ: yukashisa: tastefulness, gracefulness, sweetness, charm <<< エレガンス
床: toko: bed, alcove (jp.), barber <<< ベッド
床に着く: tokonitsuku: go to bed, be ill in bed, be laid up (with illness), be confined to one's bed, be bedridden <<<
床を離れる: tokoohanareru: get out of bed, rise from a sickbed <<<
床を上げる: tokooageru: put away a bed, put away the bedding <<<
床を敷く: tokooshiku: prepare a bed, make a bed <<<

category: common usage
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 7
translation: district, town, temple, room (conf.)
bou, bots
坊: bou: bonze (jp.), child (fam.)
坊ちゃん: botchan: Sonny, your son, greenhorn, unsophisticated youth
坊や: bouya
坊: machi: town <<<
坊: heya: room <<< 部屋
坊: ie: house <<<
坊: tera: temple, church <<<

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