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Direct access: 広告 , 好評 , 広報 , 公募 , 誇示 , 主張 , 商標 , 奨励 , 上質 , 上等


pronunciation: koukoku
keyword: media , advertisement
translation: advertisement, ad, notice, announcement, publicity
広告する: koukokusuru: advertise, announce, publicize
広告を出す: koukokuodasu <<<
広告者: koukokusha: advertiser <<<
広告塔: koukokutou: poster column, ad pillar <<<
広告費: koukokuhi: outlay for advertisement <<<
広告料: koukokuryou: advertisement rate <<<
広告欄: koukokuran: advertisement column <<<
広告業: koukokugyou: advertising business <<<
広告業者: koukokugyousha: publicity [advertising] agent <<< 業者
広告代理店: koukokudairiten
広告放送: koukokuhousou: commercial broadcast <<< 放送
広告媒体: koukokubaitai: advertising material [medium] <<< 媒体
広告ビラ: koukokubira: bill, handbill, poster
広告マン: koukokuman: adperson, crier
広告屋: koukokuya <<<
related words: 宣伝


pronunciation: kouhyou
keyword: advertisement
translation: favorable comment [criticism], popularity
好評を博する: kouhyouohakusuru: win [enjoy] popularity, gain popular [public] favor <<<
好評の: kouhyouno: popular, liked, favored, renowned
大好評の: daikouhyouno: very popular, well-liked <<<
related words: 人気


pronunciation: kouhou
keyword: advertisement
translation: publicity, public relations
広報課: kouhouka: public information section <<<
広報車: kouhousha: sound car [truck] <<<
広報機関: kouhoukikan: agency of public relations <<< 機関
related words: 公報 , 宣伝


pronunciation: koubo
keyword: advertisement
translation: public offering, market floatation, initial public offering, IPO
公募する: koubosuru: collect publicly, receive application publicly from far and wide
公募価格: koubokakaku: price of initial public offering <<< 価格


pronunciation: koji
keyword: advertisement
translation: display (n.), flaunt, parading, pageantry
誇示する: kojisuru: make a display of, show off


pronunciation: shuchou
keyword: advertisement
translation: pretension, claim (n.), mantra
主張する: shuchousuru: claim (v.), pretend
主張を通す: shuchouotoosu: carry one's point, stick to one's opinion <<<
主張を曲げる: shuchouomageru: concede a point, compromise <<<
主張者: shuchousha: claimant, advocate <<<


pronunciation: shouhyou
keyword: advertisement
translation: trademark, brand, mark
商標名: shouhyoumei: trade name, proprietary name <<<
商標法: shouhyouhou: trademark law <<<
商標登録: shouhyoutouroku: registration of trademark <<< 登録
related words: マーク


pronunciation: shourei
keyword: advertisement
translation: encouragement, promotion
奨励する: shoureisuru: encourage, give encouragement (to), promote, stimulate
奨励金: shoureikin: bounty, premium, subsidy <<<
奨励者: shoureisha: promoter, supporter <<<
related words: 促進


pronunciation: joushitsu
keyword: advertisement
translation: superior quality
上質の: joushitsuno: of superior quality
synonyms: 上等


pronunciation: joutou
keyword: advertisement
translation: superior quality, excellence
上等の: joutouno: good, fine, of superior quality, excellent
上等な: joutouna
上等品: joutouhin: article of superior quality <<<
上等席: joutouseki: first class seat <<<
上等兵: joutouhei: private first class <<< , 伍長
上等水兵: joutousuihei: seaman
synonyms: 上質
related words: 一等

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