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category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 7
translation: link, joint, connect, hang, lineage
系ぐ: tsunagu: link, join, connect <<<
系ける: kakeru: suspend, hang <<<
系: chisuji: ties of blood, lineage, descent <<< 血筋
Kanji words: 系統 , 日系 , 系図 , 家系 , 体系 , 水系
Expressions: 理科系 , 結晶系 , 銀河系 , 銀河系の , 太陽系 , 保守系 , 出会系 , 血管系 , 静脈系 , 自律神経系 , ラテン系

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 10
translation: white thread (org.), texture, white, basic
so, su
素: so: element (jp.)
素: shiroginu: raw silk
素い: shiroi: white <<<
素: kiji: cloth, texture <<< 生地
素: moto: origin, source <<<
Kanji words: 酵素 , 素振り , 素手 , 珪素 , 元素 , 酸素 , 臭素 , 水素 , 窒素 , 素材 , 素肌 , 沃素 , 素顔 , 葉緑素 , 素描 , 要素 , 素朴 , 簡素 , 炭素 , 砒素 , 塩素 , 弗素 , 素直 , 硼素 , 素面 , 素晴い , 画素 , 素人 , 素足 , 素早い , 素敵
Expressions: 血球素 , 素粒子 , 素粒子論 , 発酵素 , 繊維素 , 形態素 , 栄養素

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 10
translation: cord, rope, cable, search (bor.), seek
索: nawa: cord, rope, cable <<<
索す: sagasu: look for, seek [search] (for), look up, feel for <<< ,
Kanji words: 模索 , 詮索 , 検索 , 捜索 , 索引 , 探索

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: bind, chain, pile up, heap up, annoy (ext.)
累を及ぼす: ruiooyobosu: bring troubles <<<
累る: shibaru: bind, chain <<<
累ねる: kasaneru: pile up, heap up <<<
累りに: shikirini: very often, frequently, continually, incessantly <<<
累わす: wazurawasu: trouble, annoy (being chained) <<<
累: makizoe: involvement
Kanji words: 累計

category: common usage
keyword: color
Number of strokes: 11
translation: purple, violet (color)
紫: murasaki: purple, violet, soy sauce (jp.)
紫がかった: murasakigakatta: violet
Kanji words: 紫陽花 , 紫外線 , 紫色
Expressions: 紫水晶 , 紫キャベツ
related words:

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 15
translation: shrink, wrinkle, shorten, reduce, contract, hard, solid, robust
緊い: katai: hard, solid, robust <<<
緊む: chiJimu: shrink, wrinkle, shorten, reduce, contract <<<
Kanji words: 緊密 , 緊張 , 緊急

category: common usage
keyword: plant
Number of strokes: 16
translation: luxuriant, thick, exuberant
繁る: shigeru: grow thick, be luxuriant
Kanji words: 頻繁 , 繁殖 , 繁盛 , 繁栄

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 19
translation: net, put in a row (conf.)
羅: ami: net <<<
羅ねる: tsuraneru: put in a row <<< ,
羅: usumono: light stuff, filmy dress, silk gauze
Kanji words: 甲羅 , 羅漢 , 修羅 , 羅列 , 天婦羅 , 遍羅

category: JIS1
keyword: ship , communication
Number of strokes: 19
translation: tie, fasten, chain, connect, link, join
繋ぐ: tsunagu: tie, fasten, chain, connect, link, join
繋げる: tsunageru
繋がり: tsunagari: connection, relation
繋がりが有る: tsunagarigaaru: be related (to, with), be connected (with) <<<
繋がる: tsunagaru: be connected (with), be joined (with, to), be related (to, with)
繋がって: tsunagatte: in a line, in succession, in a train
繋ぎ: tsunagi: connection, link, entr'acte, thickening, liaison, hedging
繋ぎに: tsunagini: to fill up the time [the gap]
繋ぎ合せる: tsunagiawaseru: join [link] (a thing to another), connect (a thing with another), piece <<<
繋ぎ止める: tsunagitomeru: sustain, moor <<<
繋ける: kakeru: connect (vt.), link, join
繋かる: kakaru: connect (vi.), link, join <<< , , ,
繋: tsugu, tsuna: pers.
Expressions: 鎖で繋ぐ , 軛に繋ぐ , 血の繋がり , 血が繋がった , 数珠繋ぎ , 数珠繋ぎにする , ハイフンで繋ぐ
related words:

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