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Direct access: 水飲 , 麺棒 , 薬缶 , 湯沸 , 容器 , 楊枝 , 坩堝 , 冷蔵 , 冷凍 , 割箸


pronunciation: mizunomi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 水呑
keyword: utensil
translation: glass, tumbler
水飲場: mizunomiba: (public) drinking fountain, bubbler <<<
水飲百姓: mizunomibyakushou: poor peasant, clodhopper <<< 百姓
related words: グラス


pronunciation: menbou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil
translation: rolling pin


pronunciation: yakan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil
translation: teakettle
薬缶頭: yakannatama: bald-head <<<
薬缶頭の: yakannatamano: bald-headed
related words: 湯沸


pronunciation: yuwakashi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil
translation: hot-water heating, hot-water heater, kettle
湯沸し器: yuwakashiki: hot-water heater, geyser <<<
related words: 薬缶


pronunciation: youki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil
translation: container, vessel, receptacle, case
ポリエチレン容器: poriechirennyouki: polyethylene container <<< ポリエチレン
バター容器: bataayouki: butter dish, butter crock <<< バター
synonyms: ケース


pronunciation: youji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: utensil
translation: toothpick, toothbrush (anc.)
楊枝を使う: youjiotsukau: pick one's teeth <<< 使
爪楊枝: tsumayouji: toothpick <<<


pronunciation: rutsubo
keyword: utensil
translation: crucible


pronunciation: reizou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food , utensil
translation: cold storage, refrigeration
冷蔵する: reizousuru: refrigerate
冷蔵庫: reizouko: refrigerator, fridge, ice box <<<
冷蔵車: reizousha: refrigerator car <<<
冷蔵装置: reizousouchi: refrigeration plant <<< 装置
related words: 冷凍


pronunciation: reitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food , utensil
translation: refrigeration
冷凍する: reitousuru: refrigerate, deep-freeze
冷凍庫: reitouko: refrigerator <<<
冷凍室: reitoushitsu: refrigerator room, freezer [ice] compartment, icebox <<<
冷凍機: reitouki: refrigerating machine, freezing [refrigeration] plant <<<
冷凍業: reitougyou: cold-storage business <<<
冷凍車: reitousha: refrigerator car <<<
冷凍肉: reitouniku: refrigerated [frozen] meat <<<
冷凍魚: reitougyo: refrigerated [frozen] fish <<<
冷凍野菜: reitouyasai: refrigerated [frozen] vegetable <<< 野菜
冷凍食品: reitoushokuhin: refrigerated [frozen] food <<< 食品
冷凍麻酔: reitoumasui: refrigeration anesthesia, cryoanesthesia <<< 麻酔
急速冷凍: kyuusokureitou: quick freezing <<< 急速
急速冷凍する: kyuusokureitousuru: quick-freeze <<< 急速
related words: 冷蔵 , 冷却


pronunciation: waribashi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 割り箸
keyword: utensil
translation: half-split chopsticks

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