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Direct access: 古書 , 誤記 , 誤字 , 索引 , 参照 , 三部 , 締切 , 出版 , 書庫 , 書籍


pronunciation: kosho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: old book, rare book
related words: 古本


pronunciation: goki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: error in writing, slip of the pen
related words: 間違 , エラー


pronunciation: goji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: wrong word, erratum, miswritten word


pronunciation: sakuin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: index (n.)
索引を付ける: sakuinnotsukeru: index (v.), provide with an index <<<
カード索引: kaadosakuin: card index <<< カード
related words: インデックス


pronunciation: sanshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: reference, comparison
参照する: sanshousuru: refer to, compare (with), consult, see
参照せよ: sanshouseyo: see, vide (vid.), confer
related words: 比較


pronunciation: sanbu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 3部
keyword: book , music
translation: three parts, three volumes
三部作: sanbusaku: trilogy <<<
三部合唱: sanbugasshou: chorus in three parts <<< 合唱
三部合奏: sanbugassou: ensemble in three parts <<< 合奏 , トリオ
三部形式: sanbukeishiki: ternary [three-part] form <<< 形式
第三部: daisanbu: part three <<<
related words: 二部


pronunciation: shimekiri
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 締め切
keyword: book
translation: deadline, close (n.), closure
締切る: shimekiru: close (v.), shut (up), keep shut [closed]
締切時間: shimekirijikan: closing hour, deadline (for), time limit (of, for) <<< 時間
締切期日: shimekirikijitsu: closing day, deadline (for) <<< 期日


pronunciation: shuppan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: publication, press
出版する: shuppansuru: publish
出版社: shuppansha: publisher, publishing company <<<
出版会社: shuppangaisha <<< 会社
出版費: shuppanhi: publishing costs <<<
出版界: shuppankai: publishing world <<<
出版物: shuppanbutsu: publication <<<
出版権: shuppanken: right of publication, copyright <<< , 版権
出版業: shuppangyou: publishing business <<<
出版部数: shuppanbusuu: print run <<< 部数
出版目録: shuppanmokuroku: catalogue of publications
電子出版: denshishuppan: electronic publishing <<< 電子
予約出版: yoyakushuppan: publication by subscription <<< 予約
synonyms: 発行


pronunciation: shoko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: library (room), stack room
related words: 本箱


pronunciation: shoseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: book
translation: books, publications
書籍商: shosekishou: bookseller, bookstore, bookshop <<< , 本屋
書籍収集: shosekishuushuu: bibliomania <<< 収集
書籍収集癖: shosekishuushuuguse <<<
書籍収集狂: shosekishuushuukyou: bibliomaniac <<<

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