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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
Direct access: 記事 , 休刊 , 掲載 , 検閲 , 見解 , 月刊 , 言論 , 公開 , 広告 , 号外


pronunciation: kiji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: news report, article
記事に載せる: kijininoseru: give an account <<<
記事文: kijibun: abridged report <<<
記事体: kijitai: report style <<<
暴露記事: bakurokiji: telltale story <<< 暴露
雑誌記事: zasshikiji: magazine article <<< 雑誌
新聞記事: shinpunkiji: report, article <<< 新聞
死亡記事: shiboukiji: obituary notice <<< 死亡
訪問記事: houmonkiji: interview <<< 訪問
地方記事: chihoukiji: local news <<< 地方
トップ記事: toppukiji: lead story <<< トップ


pronunciation: kyuukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: suspension of publication
休刊する: kyuukansuru: suspend [discontinue] publication
休刊日: kyuukanbi: no-issue day <<<


pronunciation: keisai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media , literature
translation: insertion, publication
掲載する: keisaisuru: insert, publish, carry, report
掲載禁止: keisaikinshi: press ban <<< 禁止
related words: 出版


pronunciation: kennetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media , book
translation: inspection, examination, censorship
検閲する: kennetsusuru: inspect, examine, censor
検閲官: kennetsukan: inspector, examiner, censor <<<
検閲済: kennetsuzumi: passed inspection, censored <<<
検閲をパスする: kennetsuopasusuru: pass censorship <<< パス


pronunciation: kenkai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: opinion, point of view, interpretation
見解を異にする: kenkaiokotonisuru: hold [have] a different view [opinion], differ in opinion (from a person), disagree (with a person) <<<
見解を一にする: kenkaioichinisuru: be of the same opinion (with a person), concur (with a person) <<<
見解が一致する: kenkaigaitchisuru: agree to, pull together <<< 一致
見解の相違だ: kenkainosouida: That is a matter of opinion <<< 相違
私の見解では: watashinokenkaideha: in my opinion [view] <<<
公式見解: koushikikenkai: deliverance <<< 公式
統一見解: touitsukenkai: consensus <<< 統一
独自の見解: dokujinokenkai: one's personal views <<< 独自
related words: 意見 , コメント


pronunciation: gekkan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: monthly publication
月刊の: gekkannno: monthly (published)
月刊誌: gekkanshi: monthly magazine <<<
月刊雑誌: gekkanzasshi <<< 雑誌
related words: 週刊 , 季刊 , 月間 , マンスリー


pronunciation: genron
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , media
translation: speech, opinion
言論界: genronkai: the press <<<
言論戦: genronsen: verbal clash (battle), speech campaign <<<
言論の自由: genronnnojiyuu: freedom of speech <<< 自由
言論弾圧: genrondannatsu: oppression of speech
言論機関: genronkikan: mass media <<< 機関


pronunciation: koukai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media , market
translation: exhibition, release (n.), opening
公開の: koukaino: open (a.), public
公開する: koukaisuru: exhibit, release (v.), open to the public
公開状: koukaijou: open letter <<<
公開入札: koukainyuusatsu: open bid <<< 入札
公開買付け: koukaikaitsuke: takeover bid, TOB
公開市場: koukaishijou: open market <<< 市場
公開論争: koukaironsou: public debate <<< 論争
公開討論: koukaitouron
公開講座: koukaikouza: extension lecture <<< 講座
公開講義: koukaikougi <<< 講義
公開講演: koukaikouen: public lecture <<< 講演
公開演説: koukaienzetsu: public speech <<< 演説
非公開の: hikoukaino: private, closed <<<
株式公開: kabushikikoukai: initial public offering, IPO <<< 株式


pronunciation: koukoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media , advertisement
translation: advertisement, ad, notice, announcement, publicity
広告する: koukokusuru: advertise, announce, publicize
広告を出す: koukokuodasu <<<
広告者: koukokusha: advertiser <<<
広告塔: koukokutou: poster column, ad pillar <<<
広告費: koukokuhi: outlay for advertisement <<<
広告料: koukokuryou: advertisement rate <<<
広告欄: koukokuran: advertisement column <<<
広告業: koukokugyou: advertising business <<<
広告業者: koukokugyousha: publicity [advertising] agent <<< 業者
広告代理店: koukokudairiten
広告放送: koukokuhousou: commercial broadcast <<< 放送
広告媒体: koukokubaitai: advertising material [medium] <<< 媒体
広告ビラ: koukokubira: bill, handbill, poster <<< ビラ
広告マン: koukokuman: adperson, crier
広告屋: koukokuya <<<
新聞広告: shinpunkoukoku: newspaper advertisement <<< 新聞
誇大広告: kodaikoukoku: exaggerated advertisement <<< 誇大
募集広告: boshuukoukoku: advertisements for recruiting <<< 募集
求職広告: kyuushokukoukoku: advertise for a situation, want ad <<< 求職
求人広告: kyuujinkoukoku: job advertisement, want ad <<< 求人
死亡広告: shiboukoukoku: announcement of death <<< 死亡
全面広告: zenmenkoukoku: full-page advertisement <<< 全面
スポット広告: supottokoukoku: spot commercial (on TV) <<< スポット
related words: 宣伝


pronunciation: gougai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: a newspaper extra, an issue extra [special]

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