Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: accounting
Number of strokes: 10
translation: price, value, worth, tariff
値: ne
値の高い: nenotakai: high-priced, dear, expensive, costly <<<
値の張る: nenoharu <<<
値が張る: negaharu: cost much, be expensive <<<
値の安い: nenoyasui: low-priced, inexpensive, cheap <<<
値の張らない: nenoharanai <<<
値が上がる: negaagaru: rise in price <<<
値が下がる: negaagaru: fall in price <<<
値を付ける: neotsukeru: price (v.), bid [name] a price (for), set a price (on), appraise <<<
値を決める: neokimeru <<<
値切る: negiru: haggle over, bargain <<<
値: atai: price, value (n.), worth
値う: au: value (v.), worth <<<

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