直接アクセス: , ,

画数: 8

呼: ああ: a sigh
呼ぶ: よぶ: call (v.)
呼び上げる: よびあげる: call out [up], call the roll <<<
呼び集める: よびあつめる: call [summon] together, muster <<<
呼び出す: よびだす: call [ring] (a person) up, summon <<<
呼び返す: よびかえす: call back, recall, call [order] (a person) home <<<
呼び掛ける: よびかける: call to (a person), speak to (a person), accost (a person), appeal to (the public) <<<
呼びに来る: よびにくる: come [call] for (one), come and fetch <<<
呼びに遣る: よびにやる: send (a person) for <<<
呼びに行く: よびにいく: go for, go to (and) fetch (person) <<<
呼び起こす: よびおこす: wake up, awaken, rouse, call (a matter) to mind [memory], recollect, remind (a person) of (a matter) <<<
呼び止める: よびとめる: call to (a person) to stop, challenge <<<
呼び付ける: よびつける: summon <<<
呼び寄せる: よびよせる: call (a person) to (one), summon, call together, assemble, send for <<<
同意語: , コール

画数: 11
翻訳:bad, wrong, ill, evil, why (bor.), ah (pho.)
アク, オ
悪い: わるい: bad, criminal, guilty
悪い人: わるいひと: bad [wicked] man <<< , 悪人
悪い事に: わるいことに: unluckily, as ill luck would have it <<<
悪さ: わるさ: mischief, trick, practical joke <<< 悪戯
悪く: わるく: badly, worse, ill
悪くても: わるくても: at the worst
悪く成る: わるくなる: grow [get] worse, go bad, deteriorate <<<
悪くする: わるくする: make (the situation) worse, aggravate, debase
悪くすると: わるくすると: if the worst comes to the worst, if things go wrong, possibly
悪く取る: わるくとる: take (a person's remark) ill <<<
悪く言う: わるくいう, わるくゆう: speak ill of (a person) <<<
悪む: にくむ: hate <<<
悪くんぞ: いずくんぞ: why
悪: ああ: ah, oh

キーワード: 文法
画数: 8
翻訳:ah, to, at, on, in, as for, as to, than

於: ああ: ah
於: に: to (followed by an indirect object)
於: を: (followed by a direct object)
於: おいて: at, on, in, as for, as to
於: より: (more, less) than

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