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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26
Direct access: 機能 , 気儘 , 記名 , 着物 , 協議 , 協定 , 郷土 , 凶暴 , 挙動 , 切札


pronunciation: kinou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , medicine
translation: faculty, function, specification
機能する: kinousuru: be workable [functional], function
機能的: kinouteki: functional <<<
機能的に: kinoutekini: functionally
機能有る: kinouaru: enable, be capable <<<
機能を果たす: kinouohatasu: fulfill one's function <<<
機能図: kinouzu: functional diagram <<<
機能主義: kinoushugi: functionalism
機能検査: kinoukensa: efficacy [functional] check
機能障害: kinoushougai: functional disorder
機能低下: kinouteika: depression <<< 低下
機能減退: kinougentai
機能不全: kinouhuzen: dysfunction
多機能の: takinouno: multifunctional <<<


pronunciation: kimama
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 気まま
translation: selfishness, self-interestedness, self-seeking
気儘勝手: kimamakatte
気儘な: kimamana: willful, self-willed, selfish, carefree
気儘に: kimamani: as one chooses, at one's pleasure, at will
気儘にする: kimamanisuru: have one's own way, act as one pleases
気儘に振舞う: kimamanihurumau


pronunciation: kimei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , finance
translation: register, signature, subscription
記名する: kimeisuru: sign [put down] one's name, register
記名式: kimeishiki: registered <<<
記名株: kimeikabu: name share, registered stock <<<
記名証券: kimeishouken: registered security [bond]
記名社債: kimeishasai: registered debenture <<< 社債
記名投票: kimeitouhyou: signed vote, write-in
無記名: mukimei: anonymity <<<
無記名の: mukimeino: unsigned, unregistered, uninscribed, anonymous
無記名債権: mukimeisaiken: uninscribed bond <<< 債権
無記名社債: mukimeishasai: unregistered debenture <<< 社債
無記名投票: mukimeitouhyou: secret ballot [voting]
無記名貯金: mukimeichokin: uninscribed deposit
related words:


pronunciation: kimono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: clothes, clothing, dress, kimono
着物を着る: kimonookiru: put one one's clothes, dress oneself <<<
着物を脱ぐ: kimonoonugu: take off one's clothes, undress oneself <<<
着物を着た: kimonookita: in a kimono, kimonoed <<<
着物を畳む: kimonootatamu: fold clothes <<<
related words:


pronunciation: kyougi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: discussion, negotiation
協議する: kyougisuru: discuss, negotiate
協議に掛ける: kyouginikakeru: bring one's plan up at a meeting <<<
協議が整う: kyougigatotonou: come to [arrive at] an agreement <<<
協議の上: kyouginoue: upon deliberation with, by mutual consent [agreement] <<<
協議を凝らす: kyougiokorasu: deliberate fully <<<
協議会: kyougikai: council, board, conference <<<
協議員: kyougiin: delegate to a conference <<<
協議離婚: kyougirikon: divorce by consent
協議事項: kyougijikou: subject [topic] of discussion
協議価格: kyougikakaku: negotiated price
related words:


pronunciation: kyoutei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , law
translation: agreement, pact, accord, convention, arrangement
協定の: kyouteino: conventional
協定する: kyoutesuru: agree, arrange, concert
協定を結ぶ: kyouteiomusubu: conclude a convention <<<
協定を守る: kyouteiomamoru: fulfill one's agreement <<<
協定を破る: kyouteioyaburu: break one's agreement <<<
協定書: kyoutesho: protocol <<<
協定価格: kyouteikakaku: agreed price
related words:


pronunciation: kyoudo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: home, local region
郷土の: kyoudono: native, local, provincial, regional
郷土史: kyoudoshi: local history <<<
郷土誌: kyoudoshi <<<
郷土色: kyoudoshoku: local color <<<
郷土愛: kyoudoai: love for one's home country <<< , 愛国
郷土芸術: kyoudogeijutsu: provincial art
郷土料理: kyoudoryouri: local dishes
郷土人形: kyoudoningyou: local doll
郷土作家: kyoudosakka: local writer <<< 作家
郷土詩人: kyoudoshijin: local poet <<< 詩人
synonyms: , , , ホーム


pronunciation: kyoubou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 狂暴
keyword: crime
translation: fury, tear, violence, ferocity, brutality
凶暴な: kyoubouna: violent, ferocious, atrocious, brutal, berserk
凶暴に: kyoubouni: violently, ferociously, atrociously, brutally
凶暴性: kyoubousei: brutality, atrocity <<<
凶暴性を発揮する: kyoubouseiohakkisuru: give vent to one's brutality <<< 発揮


pronunciation: kyodou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: action, movement, conduct, behavior, deportment
挙動不審: kyodouhushin: suspicious behavior
挙動不審の廉で: kyodouhushinnnokadode: on account of one's suspicious behavior


pronunciation: kirihuda
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 切り札
keyword: game
translation: trump card
切札を切る: kirihudaokiru: play one's trump <<<
切札を使う: kirihudaotsukau <<< 使
切札を出す: kirihudaodasu: lead a trump <<<
切札が無い: kirihudaganai: have no trumps <<<
切札に欠く: kirihudanikaku <<<
related words: トランプ

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