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Direct access: 眼鏡 , 元日 , 元旦 , 着替 , 気兼 , 帰国 , 帰宅 , 着丈 , 着付 , 帰任


pronunciation: gankyou, megane
kanji characters: ,
other spells: メガネ
keyword: accessory , optics
translation: (pair of) glasses [spectacles]
眼鏡を掛ける: meganeokakeru: wear [put on] spectacles <<<
眼鏡を掛けた: meganeokaketa: with glasses, bespectacled
眼鏡を外す: meganeohazusu: take off one's glasses <<<
眼鏡の縁: meganenohuchi: rim of glasses, spectacle frame <<<
眼鏡のフレーム: meganenohureemu
眼鏡の弦: meganenotsuru: leg of glasses <<<
眼鏡の玉: meganenotama: spectacles glass, ophthalmic lens <<<
眼鏡入れ: meganeire: spectacle case <<<
眼鏡ケース: meganekeesu
眼鏡に適う: meganenikanau: win a person's heart, find favor with <<<
眼鏡越しに: meganegoshini: over (the rim of) one's spectacles [glasses] <<<
眼鏡越しに見る: meganegoshinimiru: look over (the rim of) one's spectacles, glance at (a person) from over one's glasses <<<
眼鏡屋: meganeya: optician <<<
片眼鏡: katamegane: monocle <<<
鼻眼鏡: hanamegane: pince-nez <<<


pronunciation: ganjitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: the first day of the year, new year's day
related words: 元旦 , ,


pronunciation: gantan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: the first day of the year, new year's day
related words: 元日 , ,


pronunciation: kigae
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: spare clothing [suits], change of clothes
着替える: kigaeru: change one's clothes, dress (for dinner)
着替えする: kigaesuru
着替え所: kigaesho: dressing room <<<
related words: 更衣


pronunciation: kigane
kanji characters: ,
translation: reserve, hesitation, inhibition, constraint
気兼する: kiganesuru: be afraid of giving trouble (to), feel some constraint, have a regard for a person's feelings, be [feel] ill at ease
気兼無しに: kiganenashini: without reserve <<<
気兼せずに: kiganesezuni
気兼しないで: kiganeshinaide
気兼しないで下さい: kiganeshinaidekudasai: don't mind me, don't put yourself out for me <<<
related words: 遠慮


pronunciation: kikoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: homecoming
帰国する: kikokusuru: go home, return to one's country
帰国者: kikokusha: home-comer, repatriated, returnee <<<


pronunciation: kitaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: homecoming, returning home
帰宅する: kitakusuru: go [come, return] home
帰宅の途につく: kitakunotonitsuku: make for home <<<
帰宅の途中で: kitakunotochuude: on one's way home <<< 途中


pronunciation: kitake
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: one's dress length
related words: サイズ


pronunciation: kitsuke
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: fitting, dressing, one's manner of dress
着付が旨い: kitsukegaumai: dress oneself well <<<
着付が上手: kitsukegajouzu
着付が拙い: kitsukegamazui: dress oneself badly <<<
着付が下手: kitsukegaheta
着付をしてやる: kitsukeoshiteyaru: dress (v.)
着付を手伝う: kitsukeotetsudau: help dress herself <<< 手伝
着付師: kitsukeshi: dresser <<<


pronunciation: kinin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: return to one's post
帰任する: kininsuru

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