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Direct access: 何方 , 仲間 , 成程 , 苦手 , 日本語 , 不束 , 便所 , 本人 , 満腹 , 水心


pronunciation: donata, dochira
kanji characters: ,
translation: who, anyone, somebody, which, where, whom
何方ですか: donatadesuka: May I have your name, please? What name shall I say? Who's speaking please?
何方様でしょうか: donatasamadeshouka <<<
何方様ですか: dochiradesamadesuka: Who [Whom] shall I say? What name please?
何方も: dochiramo: both, either
何方でも: dochirademo: any, whichever, both, either
何方でも良い: dochirademoyoi: Either will do <<<
何方から: dochirakara: whence, from where
何方へ: donatae: whereto, where to
related words: 何者 ,


pronunciation: nakama
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: companion, comrade, circle, party, gang
仲間に入れる: nakamaniireru: take into the party [partnership], count a person in <<<
仲間に入る: nakamanihairu: associate with, join
仲間に成る: nakamaninaru <<<
仲間割れ: nakamaware: split among friends, dissension <<<
仲間喧嘩: nakamagenka <<< 喧嘩
仲間割れする: nakamawaresuru: split (up, away), secede <<<
仲間外れにする: nakamahazurenisuru: exclude, proscribe <<<
仲間同士: nakamadoushi: among friends <<< 同士
飲み仲間: nominakama: bottle companion, drinking buddy [mate, pal] <<<
僕も仲間だ: bokumonakamada: I'm in! Count me in! <<<
synonyms: 同士 , 相棒 , パートナー


pronunciation: naruhodo
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 成る程
translation: I see, indeed, really, to be sure
成程と思わせる: naruhodotoomowaseru: convincing <<<


pronunciation: nigate
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: hard antagonist, person hard to deal with, weak point
其れは苦手だ: sorehanigateda: It is my weak point <<<
彼は苦手だ: karehanigateda: I can't handle him <<<
related words: 得意


pronunciation: nihongo
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: grammar , japan
translation: Japanese language, Japanese
日本語で: nihongode: in Japanese
日本語話します: nihongohanashimasu: I [we] speak Japanese <<<
日本語話せます: nihongohanasemasu
日本語話せません: nihongohanasemasen: I [we] don't speak Japanese
日本語話しますか: nihongohanashimasuka: can [do] you speak Japanese?
日本語解りますか: nihongowakarimasuka: can you understand Japanese? <<<
related words: 日本 , 和文


pronunciation: hutsutsuka
kanji characters: ,
translation: incompetence
不束な: hutsutsukana: incompetent, incapable
不束ながら: hutsutsukanagara: incompetent as I am


pronunciation: benjo
kanji characters: 便 ,
keyword: house , hygiene
translation: toilet, washroom, rest room, WC
便所へ行く: benjoeiku: go to wash one's hands, go to stool <<<
便所は何処ですか: benjowadokodesuka: Where can I wash my hands? <<< 何処
男便所: otokobenjo: gents' toilet, men's lavatory [restroom, toilet] <<<
女便所: onnnabenjo: female toilets, ladies' cloakroom, women's lavatory [restroom, toilet] <<<
related words: トイレット , 手洗


pronunciation: honnnin
kanji characters: ,
translation: person in question, the person himself [herself]
本人自ら: honnninmizukara: in person <<<
本人を知っている: honnninnoshitteiru: I know him [her] in person <<<
張本人: chouhonnnin: ringleader, author <<< , 首謀者


pronunciation: manpuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: full stomach, satiety
満腹する: manpukusuru: eat to the full, eat one's fill
満腹して: manpukushite: on a full stomach
満腹だ: manpukuda: I am full
満腹感: manpukukan: feeling of satiety <<<


pronunciation: mizugokoro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: swimming
translation: swimming ability
水心有れば魚心: mizugokoroarebauogokoro: You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

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