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Direct access: 髪型 , 剃刀 , 仮面 , 可哀相 , 勧告 , 感心 , 感情 , 感想 , 艦長 , 堪忍


pronunciation: kamigata
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: hairstyle
髪型を変える: kamigataokaeru: change one's hairstyle <<<


pronunciation: kamisori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: tool
translation: razor
剃刀を当てる: kamisorioateru: shave (v.), have a shave <<<
剃刀を研ぐ: kamisoriotogu: sharpen a razor, strop a razor <<<
剃刀負けする: kamisorimakesuru: have the barber's itch <<<
剃刀の様な: kamisorinoyouna: razor-sharp <<<
剃刀の刃: kamisorinoha: razor wire, razor blade <<<
剃刀砥: kamisoritogi: razor grinder, razorstrop <<<
related words: 髭剃


pronunciation: kamen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show , crime
translation: mask, disguise
仮面を被る: kamennokaburu: wear [put on] a mask, disguise oneself, play the hypocrite <<<
仮面を着ける: kamennotsukeru <<<
仮面を脱ぐ: kamennonugu: unmask, throw off one's mask <<<
仮面を取る: kamennotoru <<<
仮面を剥ぐ: kamennohagu: unmask (a villain), debunk <<<
仮面舞踏会: kamenbutoukai: masquerade
related words: 覆面 , マスク


pronunciation: kawaisou
kanji characters: , ,
other spells: 可哀想
translation: pity
可哀相に: kawaisouni: What's a pity! Poor thing!
可哀相に思う: kawaisouniomou: feel pity for, take [have] pity on <<<
可哀相に思って: kawaisouniomotte: out of pity
可哀相な: kawaisouna: poor, pitiable, pitiful, piteous, sad, miserable, comfortless, pathetic, unfortunate, cruel
可哀相な孤児: kawaisounakoji: poor [helpless] orphan
可哀相な境遇: kawaisounakyouguu: sorry [pitiable] plight
related words:


pronunciation: kankoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: advice, admonishment
勧告する: kankokusuru: advise, admonish
勧告に従う: kankokunishitagau: follow an advice <<<
勧告に従って: kankokunishitagatte: on a person's advice
勧告者: kankokusha: adviser, advisor <<<
勧告案: kankokuan: recommendation <<<
勧告書: kankokusho: written advice <<<
related words:


pronunciation: kanshin
kanji characters: ,
translation: admiration
感心な: kanshinnna: admirable, laudable, praiseworthy
感心な行い: kanshinnnaokonai: admirable action [act] <<<
感心に: kanshinnni: creditably, to one's credit
感心する: kanshinsuru: admire, be struck with admiration (at), be much impressed (with)
感心させる: kanshinsaseru: cause an admiration, arouse admiration
感心して: kanshinshite: with admiration, with wonder, admiringly
感心感心: kanshinkanshin: Well done! Excellent! Bravo! Good for you!


pronunciation: kanjou
kanji characters: ,
translation: feeling, emotion, sentiment
感情を表す: kanjouoarawasu: show one's feelings <<<
感情を隠す: kanjouokakusu: hide one's feelings <<<
感情を抑える: kanjouoosaeru: control one's feelings <<<
感情を害する: kanjouogaisuru: hurt [wound] a person's feelings, offend a person <<<
感情に走る: kanjounihashiru: give way to one's feeling [passion], be driven [carried away] by passion <<<
感情に溺れる: kanjounioboreru <<<
感情に訴える: kanjouniuttaeru: appeal to the feelings of a person <<<
感情を籠めて: kanjouokomete: with feeling [sentiment] <<<
感情の籠った: kanjounokomotta: moving, touching
感情的: kanjouteki: emotional, sentimental, passionate <<<
感情的に: kanjoutekini: emotionally, sentimentally, passionately
感情家: kanjouka: emotional person, sentimentalist <<<
感情線: kanjousen: heart line <<<
感情論: kanjouron: sentimental argument <<<
感情移入: kanjouinyuu: empathy


pronunciation: kansou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: media
translation: thoughts, impressions
感想を述べる: kansouonoberu: give one's impressions (of) <<<
感想文: kansoubunkansoubun: description of one's impressions <<<
感想録: kansouroku: record of one's impressions <<<
related words: 印象 , 見解


pronunciation: kanchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: ship
translation: commander of a war ship, captain
艦長室: kanchoushitsu: captain's cabin <<<
related words: 船長


pronunciation: kannnin
kanji characters: ,
translation: patience, forgiveness
堪忍する: kannninsuru: forgive, excuse
堪忍袋の緒が切れる: kannninbukuronoogakireru: be out of a patience (with a person), One's patience is exhausted
related words: 我慢

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