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Direct access: 傀儡 , 家業 , 家計 , 過失 , 火事 , 鍛冶 , 家人 , 片足 , 課程 , 門松


pronunciation: kairai
keyword: politics
translation: puppet, tool
傀儡と成る: kairaitonaru: be made a puppet of a person <<<
傀儡とする: kairaitosuru: make a cat's-paw of a person
傀儡師: kairaishi: puppet player, wire-puller <<<
傀儡政府: kairaiseihu: puppet government <<< 政府
傀儡政権: kairaiseiken


pronunciation: kagyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: one's family business [calling, trade]
家業に励む: kagyounihagemu: attend closely to one's business <<<
家業を継ぐ: kagyouotsugu: succeed to the family business <<<


pronunciation: kakei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: housekeeping, household [domestic] economy
家計を立てる: kakeiotateru: make [earn] one's livelihood <<<
家計が豊か: kakeigaitaka: be well off <<<
家計が苦しい: kakegakurushii: be badly off <<<
家計簿: kakeibo: housekeeping book, household accounts <<< 簿
家計簿を付ける: kakeibootsukeru: keep (a record of) household accounts <<<
家計費: kakeihi: family budget, household expenses <<<
related words: 家事


pronunciation: kashitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: fault, mistake, blunder, error, accident, negligence
過失の: kashitsuno: accidental
過失で: kashitsude: by accident, through one's fault
過失をする: kashitsuosuru: commit a fault, make an error
過失を犯す: kashitsuookasu <<<
過失死: kashitsushi: accidental death <<<
過失致死: kashitsuchishi: accidental homicide, involuntary manslaughter <<< 致死
過失傷害: kashitsushougai: accidental infliction of injury
related words: 間違


pronunciation: kaji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disaster
translation: fire, blaze, conflagration
火事が起こる: kajigaokoru: fire breaks out, starts <<<
火事が起きる: kajigaokiru
火事に遭う: kajiniau: suffer from [have] a fire <<<
火事を出す: kajiodasu: start [cause] a fire <<<
火事を起す: kajiookosu <<<
火事を消す: kajiokesu: extinguish the fire <<<
火事場: kajiba: scene of a fire <<<
火事場泥棒: kajibadorobou: thief at a fire
火事装束: kajishouzoku: fireman's uniform
山火事: yamakaji: forest fire <<<
related words: 火災


pronunciation: kaji
kanji characters:
keyword: history
translation: smithery
鍛冶屋: kajiya: blacksmith <<<
鍛冶場: kajiba: blacksmith's shop <<<
刀鍛冶: katanakaji: swordsmith <<<


pronunciation: kajin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: family, a member of one's family
related words:


pronunciation: kataashi
kanji characters: ,
translation: one leg, one foot
片足の: kataashino: one-legged
片足の人: kataashinohito: one-legged man <<<
片足で: kataashide: with one leg
片足で立つ: kataashidetatsu: stand on one leg <<<
片足で跳ぶ: kataashidetobu: hop on one foot <<<
片足スケート: kataashisukeeto: child's scooter
related words: 片手


pronunciation: katei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school
translation: course
課程を終える: kateiooeru: finish one's course <<<
課程表: kateihyou: curriculum, syllabus, course of instruction <<<
related words: 教科


pronunciation: kadomatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: decoration
translation: the New Year's decoration pines
門松を立てる: kadomatsuotateru: decorate the entrance with pine boughs <<<
related words:

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