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Direct access: 可笑し , 臆病 , 御茶 , 親子 , 御礼 , 恩返し , 開運 , 会計 , 改心 , 懐中


pronunciation: okashi
kanji characters: ,
translation: amusing (anc.), funny, laughable, ridiculous, comical
可笑しい: okashii: amusing, funny, laughable, ridiculous, comical, strange, queer, suspicious, improper
可笑しな: okashina
可笑しがる: okashigaru: make fun of, find fun
可笑しな奴: okashinayatsu: queer [odd] fish <<<
可笑しな様子の: okashinayousuno: queer-looking, suspicious-looking
可笑しな話だが: okashinahanashidaga: strange to say, The funny [odd] thing is that <<<
可笑しさ: okashisa: funniness, ridiculousness
可笑しさを堪える: okashisaokoraeru: suppress one's laughter, keep one's face straight <<<
可笑しくて堪らない: okashikutetamaranai: be doubled [creased] up with laughter
頭が可笑しい: atamagaokashii: be crazy <<<
related words:


pronunciation: okubyou
kanji characters: ,
translation: cowardice, timidity
臆病な: okubyouna: cowardly, timid
臆病者: okubyoumono: coward <<< , 弱虫
臆病風に吹かれる: okubyoukazenihukareru: lose one's nerve, get wet feet


pronunciation: ocha
kanji characters: ,
other spells: お茶
keyword: drink
translation: tea
御茶にする: ochanisuru: have a coffee break, pooh-pooh
御茶下さい: ochakudasai: Tea please! <<<
御茶を出す: ochaodasu: serve tea <<<
御茶の子: ochanoko: child's play, easy task, cinch <<<
御茶の子さいさい: ochanokosaisai
御茶を濁す: ochaonigosu: make shift (with), temporize <<<
御茶の間: ochanoma: living room <<<
御茶の水: ochanomizu: tea water, Ochanomizu (a neighborhood in Tokyo) <<<
御茶ノ水駅: ochanomizueki: Ochanomizu station (in Tokyo)
synonyms: ティー


pronunciation: oyako
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: parents and children, parent and child
親子の縁: oyakonoen: relationship between parents and children <<<
親子の縁を切る: oyakonoennokiru: disown one's son [daughter] <<<
親子の情: oyakonojou: affection between parents and children <<<
親子丼: oyakodonburi: rice bowl with tasty chicken and egg <<<
親子鍋: oyakonabe: stew of egg and chicken <<<
親子電話: oyakodenwa: party line
親子関係: oyakokankei: filiation


pronunciation: orei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: reward (n.), thanks, gratitude
御礼をする: oreiosuru: reward (v.), give a reward, remunerate, pay a fee
御礼に: oreini: in return for
御礼を述べる: oreionoberu: thank (v.), express one's thanks <<<
御礼を言う: oreioiu <<<
御礼参り: oreimairi: visit (of a temple) for thanksgiving, revenge call (by gangsters) <<<
related words: , 謝意


pronunciation: ongaeshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: greeting
translation: return for a person's kindness [favor, service]
恩返しに: ongaeshini: by way of thanks for, in appreciation of, in gratitude for, in return for
恩返しする: ongaeshisuru: requite [repay] a person's kindness [favor]
鶴の恩返し: tsurunoongaeshi: The gratitude of the crane (a Japanese fairy tale), The grateful crane <<<
related words:


pronunciation: kaiun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: improvement of one's fortune
開運を祈る: kaiunnoinoru: pray for better fortune <<<
開運の兆し: kaiunnnokizashi: augury of better fortune <<<
開運の御守: kaiunnnoomamori: charm of luck


pronunciation: kaikei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: accounting
translation: accounting, account
会計する: kaikeisuru: pay a bill
会計係: kaikeigakari: cashier <<<
会計士: kaikeishi: accountant <<<
会計課: kaikeika: accounting [financial] section <<<
会計学: kaikeigaku: accounting <<<
会計法: kaikeihou: accounts law <<<
会計簿: kaikeibo: accounts book <<< 簿
会計報告: kaikeihoukoku: financial report <<< 報告
会計年度: kaikeinendo: fiscal year
会計監査: kaikeikansa: financial audit <<< 監査
会計検査: kaikeikensa
会計検査院: kaikeikensain: Board of Audit
会計検査官: kaikeikensakan: auditor
会計事務: kaikeijimu: accountancy
会計事務所: kaikeijimusho: accountant's office
related words: 経理 , 勘定


pronunciation: kaishin
kanji characters: ,
translation: self-reform, repentance
改心する: kaishinsuru: reform oneself, turn over a new leaf (of one's life), mend [amend] one's ways, repent
改心させる: kaishinsaseru: reform so.
related words:


pronunciation: kaichuu
kanji characters: ,
translation: pocket, bosom
懐中する: kaichuusuru: have [carry] (a thing) in one's pocket
懐中鏡: kaichuukagami: pocket glass <<<
懐中電灯: kaichuudentou: flashlight, electric torch
懐中時計: kaichuudokei: pocket watch <<< 時計
懐中日記: kaichuunikki: pocket diary <<< 日記
related words: ポケット

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