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category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 15
translation: sure, certain, solid (fig.)
確か: tashika: I suppose, if I am not mistaken, probably
確かな: tashikana: certain, sure, positive, definite, unquestionable, unmistakable
確かに: tashikani: certainly, for certain, to a certainty, to be sure, surely, positively, undoubtedly, no doubt, without fail
確かめる: tashikameru: make sure (of, that), ascertain, verify, confirm
確い: katai: solid, tough <<<
確り: shikkari: firmly, tightly, securely, fast, strongly, on firm ground
確り捕まる: shikkaritsukamaru: cling to (a thing), hold [hang] on fast to (a thing) <<<
確り者: shikkarimono: person of strong character [good judgment], strong hearted man [woman] <<<
確りしろ: shikkarishiro: Get hold of yourself! Pull yourself together! Cheer up! Take courage!
確りした: shikkarishita: strong, solid, steady, firm, of solid character, able, sharp, reliable, trustworthy, sound
確りした会社: shikkarishitakaisha: sound business firm
確: kata, akira: pers.

category: common usage
keyword: fantasy
Number of strokes: 5
translation: predict, divine, occupy (conf.)
占う: uranau: predict, divine, tell a person's fortune
占い: uranai: fortunetelling, fortuneteller, palmist
占める: shimeru: occupy, monopolize
占めた: shimeta: I've got it! Capital! Thanks goodness!
占め占め: shimeshime

category: common usage
keyword: greeting
Number of strokes: 8
translation: all right, ok, yes, of course
宜しい: yoroshii: very well, all right, ok
宜しく: yoroshiku: well, properly, suitably, rightly, How do you do?
宜しく頼みます: yoroshikutanomimasu: I leave it entirely to you [your discretion] <<<
宜: mube: of course (anc.)

category: common usage
keyword: pet
Number of strokes: 11
translation: cat, puss
byou, myou
猫: neko
猫の様な: nekonoyouna: feline <<<
猫が鳴く: nekoganaku: mew (v.), meow, miaow <<<
猫の声: nekonokoe: mew (n.), meow, miaow <<<
猫を被る: nekookaburu: dissemble, play the hypocrite, cunningly simulate gentleness <<<
猫の毛: nekonoke: cat hair <<<
猫の爪: nekonotsume: cat's claw <<<
猫の足: nekonoashi: cat's foot <<<
猫の手: nekonote: cat's paw <<<
猫の手も借りたい: nekonotemokaritai: I wish I had two bodies
猫の目: nekonome: cat's eye <<<
猫の目の様に変わる: nekonomenoyounikawaru: be as fickle as a weathercock
猫の舌: nekonoshita: cat's tongue <<<
猫踏んじゃった: nekohunjatta: Flea Waltz (a simple piano piece) <<<

category: common usage
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 14
translation: swear, vow, pledge, pawn, oath
誓う: chikau: swear, vow (v.), pledge, pawn
誓って: chikatte: upon my honor, I swear (that, to do)
誓い: chikai: oath, vow (n.), pledge
誓いを守る: chikaiomamoru: keep one's vow [oath, pledge] <<<
誓いを破る: chikaioyaburu: break one's vow [oath, pledge] <<<
誓いを立てる: chikaiotateru: swear an oath <<<

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 7
translation: foolish, silly, stupid, senile, dote
hou, bou
呆か: oroka: foolish, silly, stupid <<<
呆け: boke: senile psychosis [dementia] <<<
呆ける: bokeru: grow [become] senile, dote, grow mentally weak <<<
呆れる: akireru: be surprised (jp.), be amazed, be dumfounded (by), be disgusted
呆れて: akirete: in amazement, in disgust
呆れて物が言えない: akiretemonogaienai: be struck dumb with amazement, be dumfounded
呆れた: akireta: surprising, amazing, disgusting
呆れた奴: akiretayatsu: damned fellow <<<
呆れたね: akiretane: Well I never! You don't say!

category: JIS1
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 8
translation: fox, foxy (fig.)
狐: kitsune: fox
狐が鳴く: kitsuneganaku: bark, yelp <<<
狐の穴: kitsunenoana: fox kennel [burrow] <<<
狐の尾: kitsunenoo: fox brush <<<
狐の様な: kitsunenoyouna: foxy, vulpine <<<
狐に化かされる: kitsunenibakasareru: be bewitched by a fox <<<
狐に摘まれた様だ: kitsunenitsumamaretayouda: I am puzzled [mystified]

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 8
translation: it, that, those
其れ: sore
其れに: soreni: besides, moreover, what is more
其れにしても: sorenishitemo: but, still, for all that, nevertheless
其れにつけても: sorenitsuketemo: when I think of it
其れとも: soretomo: or, else
其れでも: soredemo: but, still, yet
其の: sono: that, those, its
其の上: sonoue: besides, moreover, what is more <<<
其の内: sonouchi: before long, soon, by and by, in the meantime, some day, one of these days <<<
其の癖: sonokuse: and yet, for all that, notwithstanding, nevertheless, none the less <<<
其の位: sonokurai: so much [many], as much [many] <<<
其の後: sonogo: after that, afterward, since then, from that time on <<<
其の頃: sonokoro: at [about] that time, then, in those days <<<
其の通り: sonotoori: Just so, You are [That's] right, Precisely, Exactly, Yes indeed [of course] <<<
其の時: sonotoki: at that time, then, on that occasion <<<
其の場で: sonobate: then and there, on the spot, offhand <<<
其の日: sonohi: on that day, the same day <<<
其の辺: sonohen: about there, thereabouts <<<
其の外: sonohoka: besides, moreover, in addition <<<

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 15
translation: who, whom
誰: dare
誰に: dareni: whom
誰を: dareo
誰の: dareno: whose
誰でも: daredemo: whoever, whosever, whomever
誰も: daremo
誰かが: darekaga: someone, somebody
誰も皆: daremomina: everyone, everybody, all <<<
誰も彼も: daremokaremo <<<
誰ですか: daredesuka: Who is it? May I have your name?
誰が為に鐘は鳴る: tagatamenikanehanaru: For Whom the Bell Tolls (novel of Hemingway, 1939)

category: JIS2
Number of strokes: 16
translation: all, altogether, wholly, completely, entirely, without exception, in every case, as it is, just as
儘とく: kotogotoku: all, altogether, wholly, completely, entirely, without exception, in every case <<< ,
儘: mama: as it is, just as, as one likes [pleases] (jp.)
儘に成るなら: mamaninarunara: If I could do as I please <<<

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