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Direct access: 有無 , 上着 , 運命 , 永住 , 永眠 , 駅長 , 閻魔 , 往診 , 往生 , 嘔吐


pronunciation: umu
kanji characters: ,
translation: existence, presence, yes or no
有無を言わせず: umuoiwasezu: forcibly, whether one will or not, willy-nilly <<<
有無相通じる: umuaitsuujiru: supply each other's needs [wants]


pronunciation: uwagi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: coat, jacket, outerwear
上着を着る: uwagiokiru: get one's coat on <<<
related words: 下着 , ジャケット


pronunciation: unmei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: fate, fortune, destiny
運命付ける: unmeiZukeru: destine, doom <<<
運命的: unmeiteki: fatal, fateful, inevitable, unavoidable <<<
運命的に: unmeitekini: fatefully, inevitably, unavoidably
運命に従う: unmeinishitagau: bow to the inevitable <<<
運命に任せる: unmeinimakaseru <<<
運命と諦める: unmeitoakirameru: submit to one's fate <<<
運命に甘んじる: unmeiniamanjiru <<<
運命を決する: unmeiokessuru: decide the fate of <<<
運命を共にする: unmeiotomonisuru: share the fate with <<<
運命と戦う: unmeitotatakau: fight [defy] fate <<<
運命の悪戯: unmeinoitazura: irony of destiny
運命の女神: unmeinomegami: Goddess of Destiny <<< 女神
運命線: unmeisen: line of Saturn, Fate <<<
運命論: unmeiron: fatalism <<<
運命論者: unmeironsha: fatalist <<<
related words: 宿命


pronunciation: eijuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: permanent residence
永住の: eijuuno: settled, resident
永住する: eijuusuru: reside [settle] permanently, settle down (for good)
永住権: eijuuken: right of permanent residence <<<
永住者: eijuusha: permanent residents, settlers <<<
永住民: eijuumin <<<
永住地: eijuuchi: place of permanent residence, one's permanent home <<<


pronunciation: eimin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: death, eternal sleep
永眠する: eiminsuru: die, pass away, breathe one's last
related words:


pronunciation: ekichou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: train
translation: stationmaster, station agent
駅長室: ekichoushitsu: stationmaster's office <<<
related words: 駅員


pronunciation: enma
kanji characters:
keyword: religion
translation: the Jude of Hades
閻魔帳: enmachou: teacher's mark book <<<


pronunciation: oushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: (doctor's) visit (to a patient)
往診する: oushinsuru: go and see a patient at his house, call on one's patient
往診料: oushinryou: doctor's fee for a visit <<<
往診時間: oushinjikan: hours for visiting patients


pronunciation: oujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: death
往生する: oujousuru: die, pass away, breathe one's last, be at a loss
往生際: oujougiwa: deathbed, one's last moment <<<
往生際が悪い: oujougiwagawarui: do not readily resign oneself to fate, be a bad loser <<<
大往生: daioujou: natural [peaceful] death (in old age) <<<
大往生を遂げる: daioujouotogeru: die in peace <<<
立ち往生する: tachioujousuru: come [be brought] to a standstill [deadlock], be stalled, be stuck (in a place), be at one's wit's end, be in a fix <<<
related words:


pronunciation: outo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: disease
translation: vomiting, nausea
嘔吐する: outosuru: vomit, throw [fetch] up
嘔吐を催す: outoomoyoosu: feel nausea [sick] <<<
嘔吐を催させる: outoomoyoosaseru: make a person sick, turn one's stomach
嘔吐を催す様な: outoomoyoosuyouna: sickening, nauseating, disgusting <<<

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