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Direct access: 威信 , 遺族 , 一巡 , 一周 , 一本 , 依頼 , 威力 , 衣類 , 因果 , 受持


pronunciation: ishin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: prestige, dignity, authority
威信に係る: ishinnnikakawaru: affect one's prestige [dignity] <<<
威信を保つ: ishinnotamotsu: preserve one's dignity <<<
威信を失う: ishinnoushinau: lose one's prestige <<<
威信の有る: ishinnnoaru: prestigious <<<
related words: 権威


pronunciation: izoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , transport
translation: bereaved [surviving] family
遺族年金: izokunenkin: survivor's annuity [pension] <<< 年金
遺族補償: izokuhoshou: compensation for the bereaved


pronunciation: ichijun
kanji characters: ,
translation: one round
一巡する: ichijunsuru: walk round, go [make] the one's round
related words: 一周


pronunciation: isshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , travel
translation: one round, revolution
一周する: isshuusuru: go [travel, revolve] round, make a round
一周忌: isshuuki: the first anniversary of a person's death <<<
一周年: isshuunen: the first anniversary <<<
一周年記念: isshuunenkinen: celebration of the first anniversary
一周旅行: isshuuryokou: round trip <<< 旅行
related words: 一巡


pronunciation: ippon
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 1本
keyword: sport , unit
translation: one piece, one stick, one hair, one roll, one gain, one blow, one stroke
一本取る: ippontoru: gain one point <<<
一本取られる: ippontorareru: be reduced to the silence by interlocutor, be defeated [beaten]
一本足の: ipponnashino: one-legged <<<
一本立ち: ippondachi: independence <<<
一本立ちの: ippondachino: independent, self-supporting
一本立ちする: ippondachisuru: become independent, stand on one's own legs
一本道: ipponmichi: straight road <<<
一本橋: ipponbashi: bridge of one tree trunk, tree trunk bridge <<<
一本化: ipponka: unification <<<
一本松: ipponmatsu: solitary pine tree <<<
一本気: ippongi: decided, determined, resolute <<<
一本槍: ipponnyari: lance thrust, master stroke, total commitment [devotion] <<<
一本調子: ipponchoushi: monotony <<< 調子
一本調子の: ipponchoushino: monotonous


pronunciation: irai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law
translation: request, trust, commission
依頼する: iraisuru: ask [request] a person to do, entrust, commission (v.), depend [rely] upon, turn to
依頼により: irainiyori: at a person's request
依頼に応じる: irainioujiru: grant a person's request <<<
依頼通りに: iraidoorini: as requested <<<
依頼人: irainin: client (of a lawyer) <<<
依頼状: iraijou: letter of request <<<
依頼書: iraisho <<<
依頼心: iraishin: lack of self-reliance <<<
synonyms: ,


pronunciation: iryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weapon
translation: power, might, authority
威力の有る: iryokunoaru: powerful, mighty <<<
威力を持って: iryokuomotte: by the exercise of one's power <<<
威力に依って: iryokuniyotte <<<
威力を揮う: iryokuohuruu: wield one's power <<<


pronunciation: irui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: clothes
translation: clothing, clothes, garments, one's wardrobe
related words: 衣服 , 衣料


pronunciation: inga
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism
translation: cause and effect, fate, ill luck, misfortune, karma
因果な: ingana: unfortunate, unlucky, fatal
因果な子: inganako: unfortunate child <<<
因果な事には: inganakotoniha: as ill luck would have it, to make matters worse <<<
因果と諦める: ingatoakirameru: resign oneself to one's fate <<<
因果を含める: ingaohukumeru: persuade (a person) to accept the inevitable <<<
因果律: ingaritsu: law of cause and effect <<<
因果関係: ingakankei: casualty, casual relation
因果応報: ingaouhou: retribution, nemesis
related words: 運命 , 不運


pronunciation: ukemochi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 受け持
keyword: job
translation: charge, assignment
受持つ: ukemotsu: take [be in] charge of, have (a matter) under one's charge
受持教師: ukemochikyoushi: teacher in charge (of), class [homeroom] teacher
受持区域: ukemochikuiki: district assigned [allotted] to one, one's beat, one's territory <<< 区域
受持時間: ukemochijikan: one's teaching [class] hours

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