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category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 7
translation: anything, something, what
何: nani
何ぞ: nanzo: all the more so
何で: nande: why
何でも: nandemo: any, anything, whatever, everything, all, at any rate, at all events, probably, in all probability, I am told
何と: nanto, nante: what, how
何と言っても: nantoittemo: whatever one may say, after all <<<
何とか: nantoka: somehow, one way or another, by all means, at any cost
何と無く: nantonaku: somehow, in some way, without knowing why <<<
何とも言えない: nantomoienai: One cannot tell, God [Heaven only] knows, unspeakable, inexpressible, indescribable <<<
何とも思わない: nantomoomowanai: don't care a straw [two straws], make nothing [little] of, do not hesitate <<<
何なら: nannnara: if you like [wish], if you can, if possible, if you don't mind, if convenient, if necessary
何の: nannno: what kind of, what
何の為に: nannnotameni: What for? <<<
何の役に立もたない: nannnoyakunimotatanai: good-for-nothing
何く: izuku: where
何れ: izure: which, one of these days, some day, sooner or later
何れも: izuremo: any, all, every, both, either, neither
何: ikubaku: how many, how much

category: to learn in school
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 8
translation: fruit, truth, reality, actuality
実: jitsu: compassion (jp.), honesty, fidelity, faithfulness
実の: jitsuno: true, real, actual
実の有る: jitsunoaru: truehearted, sincere, loyal, faithful <<<
実の無い: jitsunonai: insincere, faithless, fickle <<<
実を尽くす: jitsuotsukusu: act sincerely (toward a person), show fidelity (to) <<<
実は: jitsuwa: really, in fact, as a matter of fact, The truth is that, To tell the truth
実の所: jitsunotokoro <<<
実に: jitsuni: indeed, truly, really, surely, very, much, so, such, extremely, exceedingly <<< 非常
実に困った: jitsunikomatta: I am in a fix <<<
実: mi: fruit (n.), nut, berry, ingredient, substance <<< ナッツ
実の有る: minoaru: substantial, solid <<<
実を結ぶ: miomusubu: bear [yield] fruit, come [be brought] to fruition <<<
実る: minoru: bear fruit, ripen, fruit (v.)
実り: minori: crop, harvest <<< 収穫
実: makoto: truth <<<

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 10
translation: weak, fragile, weaken, young
jaku, nyaku
弱い: yowai: weak, delicate, frail, feeble, faint, muted, fragile
弱く: yowaku: weakly, half-heartedly, dimly, feebly
弱める: yowameru: weaken (vt.), stem
弱くする: yowakusuru
弱まる: yowamaru: become weak, weaken (vi.)
弱く成る: yowakunaru <<<
弱る: yowaru: become weak, be perplexed
弱った: yowatta: What a pretty mess, I am in a fix

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 11
translation: cross, end (ext.), save
sai, sei
済る: wataru: cross (vi.) <<<
済し: watashi: crossing point, ferry
済ます: sumasu: end (vt.), finish, terminate, get through, conclude, settle, make do with
済む: sumu: end (vi.), finish, come to an end, be finished, be over, be cleared off, be settled <<<
済まない: sumanai: I am very sorry (for what I have done), I really did you wrong, I regret
済みません: sumimasen: I am very sorry (to trouble you), Excuse me
済う: sukuu: save <<<

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 11
translation: want, wish, avarice, greed
欲: yoku: greediness, avarice
欲の深い: yokunohukai: greedy, avaricious, covetous, grasping <<<
欲の無い: yokunonai: unselfish, disinterested <<<
欲を言えば: yokuoieba: If I may be allowed to hope more <<<
欲の塊: yokunokatamari: incarnation of avarice itself <<<
欲に目が眩む: yokunimegakuramu: be blinded by avarice
欲する: hossuru: want, wish, like, desire
欲しい: hoshii
synonyms: ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: organs
Number of strokes: 13
translation: intestines, bowels
腸の: chouno: intestinal
腸: harawata: intestines, entrails
腸の腐った男: harawatanokusattaotoko: rotten-hearted man
腸が煮え繰り返る様だ: harawataganiekurikaeruyouda: I am boiling over with anger

category: to learn in school
keyword: love
Number of strokes: 13
translation: love, enamour, admire, affection, attachment
愛でる: mederu: love (v.), admire
愛しい: itoshii: darling, dear, loving
愛しむ: oshimu: value (v.), hold dear <<<
愛する: aisuru: love (v.), enamour, be fond of, be attached to, have affection [passion] for, care for, loving, affectionate, dear, beloved
愛しています: aishiteimasu: I love you
愛すべき: aisubeki: lovable
愛し合う: aishiau: love each other, be in love <<<
愛する子: aisuruko: one's beloved child <<<
愛する者: aisurumono: one's love, darling, dear one <<<
愛する夫: aisuruotto: one's dear husband <<<
愛する妻: aisurutsuma: one's dear wife <<<
愛の囁き: ainosasayaki: whispers of love, sweet nothings <<<
愛の印: ainoshirushi: love-token <<<
愛を捧げる: aiosasageru: devote one's love <<<
synonyms: , ラブ

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 14
translation: tuft, whole (ext.), all, general
総: sou: so, yes, like that
総です: soudesu: That's right
総ではない: soudehanai: It [That] is not so, You are wrong
総ですか: soudesuka: Is that so [right]? Really?
総すると: sousuruto: and then, now, if it is so
総思います: souomoimasu: I think [guess] so <<<
総: husa: tuft, bunch <<<
総べる: suberu: govern, rule (v.) <<<
総て: subete: whole, all, total, global <<<

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 14
translation: state, condition
様: you: manner (jp.), mode
様: sama: state, condition, Mr. (jp.), Mrs., Miss
様: zama: look (jp.), appearance, aspect
様を見ろ: zamaomiro: Serve you [him] right!, I told you so! <<<
様あ見ろ: zamaamiro <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: audio
Number of strokes: 14
translation: hear, listen
bun, mon
聞く: kiku: hear, be informed of, learn, listen to, give an ear to, obey, accede (to), grant, ask, inquire, make a reference to
聞こえる: kikoeru: hear, catch, be heard, be audible, sound, seem, be known, be famed
聞こえますか: kikoemasuka: Can you hear me?
聞こえなく成る: kikoenakunaru: die away, be out of hearing, become inaudible <<<
聞こえ: kikoe: fame, reputation, sonority
聞こえが良い: kikoegaii, kikoegayoi: sound well, be respectable, The connection is good <<<
聞こえが悪い: kikoegawarui: sound bad, be disreputable, The connection is bad <<<
聞こえよがしに: kikoeyogashini: (as if) wishing to be overheard, (purposely) in a person's hearing
聞きたがる: kikitagaru: be inquisitive, be curious to hear, have itching ears
聞き入る: kikiiru: listen attentively to, be all ears to, devour every word <<<
聞き入れる: kikiireru: comply with, assent to, accept, grant, take [follow] (a person's advice) <<< , 同意
聞き苦しい: kikigurushii: disagreeable to hear, offensive [harsh] to the ear, unpleasant, objectionable <<<
聞き直す: kikinaosu: ask [inquire] again <<<
聞き返す: kikikaesu <<<
聞き流す: kikinagasu: take no notice of, pay no attention to, let (a question) by <<<
聞く所に因れば: kikutokoroniyoreba: from what I hear, I hear [am told] that
聞く所に因ると: kikutokoroniyoruto

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