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category: to learn in school
keyword: life
Number of strokes: 3
translation: hardly, capacity (bor.), gift, ability, talent, aptitude
sai, zai
才: sai: capacity, gift, ability, talent, aptitude, age (jp.)
才の有る: sainoaru: talented, able, of ability [parts] <<<
才の無い: sainonai: untalented, talentless <<<
才を恃む: saiotanomu: have too much confidence in one's own talents
才かに: wazukani: hardly <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 3
translation: down, below, under, inferior, low
ka, ge
下る: kudaru: come [get] down, descend, fall, drop, be inferior (to), be less than, be issued, be given
下らない: kudaranai: foolish, stupid, silly, absurd, unprofitable, useless, vain, trivial, worthless, insignificant
下さい: kudasai: Please do, I wish you would do, Will you give me (a thing.), Give me (a thing) please
下さる: kudasaru: give (pol.), confer (a thing) on (a person)
下す: kudasu: give, issue, subjugate, subdue, have loose bowels, purge bowels
下がる: sagaru: hang down, dangle, be hanging, fall, go down, descend, leave, retire, draw [step] back, dome down, demoted, decline, sink
下げる: sageru: hand (down), suspend, lower, let down, slash, reduce (a person) to a lower rank
下: shita, shimo: below, down, under
下の: shitano: lower, downward, subordinate, inferior
下りの: kudarino: down
下に: shitani: down (adv.), downward, downstairs
下から: shitakara: from below [the bottom]
下の者: shitanomono: one's subordinates, one's inferiors <<<
下に置く: shitanioku: put [lay] down <<<
下に降りる: shitanioriru: go [come] down, go downstairs <<<
下に降ろす: shitaniorosu: let down <<<
下を向く: shitaomuku: look down, lower one's eyes <<<
下にも置かぬ: shitanimookanu: hearty welcome <<<
下: moto: root, base <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 4
translation: hair, feather, down, plumage, wool
毛: ke
毛の: keno: woolen, fur
毛のシャツ: kenoshatsu: woolen undershirt
毛の無い: kenonai: hairless, bald <<< , 禿
毛の長い: kenonagai: long-haired <<<
毛の生えた: kenohaeta: hairy <<<
毛が生える: kegahaeru: Hair grows (on) <<<
毛が伸びる: keganobiru <<<
毛が抜ける: keganukeru: Hair falls out <<<
毛を切る: keokiru: cut sb.'s hair, get a haircut, get [have] one's hair cut <<<
毛を染める: keosomeru: dye one's hair <<<
毛を抜く: keonuku: pluck (bird), tear one's hair <<<
毛を毟る: keomushiru <<<
毛程も: kehodomo: (not) a bit, (not) a fig <<<
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: fantasy , chemistry
Number of strokes: 4
translation: transform, chemistry
ka, ke
化わる: kawaru: transform <<<
化ける: bakeru: transform oneself
化かす: bakasu: bewitch, enchant, bedevil <<<
化かされる: bakasareru: be bewitched
化の皮を剥ぐ: bakenokawaohagu: unmask, bring (a matter) to light
化の皮が剥がれる: bakenokawagahagareru: One's true character is exposed, One betrays oneself
化の皮が剥げる: bakenokawagahageru

category: to learn in school
keyword: astronomy , calendar
Number of strokes: 4
translation: day, sun
nichi, jitsu
日: hi: day, sun, emperor (jp.)
日: hibi: every day
日: ka: unit to count days (jp.)
日が出る: higaderu: The sun rises [goes up] <<<
日が入る: higahairu: The sun sets [goes down] <<< , 日入
日の当る: hinoataru: sunny, sunshiny <<<
日に当る: hiniataru: bask [bathe] in the sun <<<
日に焼ける: hiniyakeru: be sunburnt <<<
日に干す: hinihosu: dry (a thing) in the sun <<<
日に曝す: hinisarasu: expose (a thing) to the sun <<<
日が経つ: higatatsu: days go by <<<
日が暮れる: higakureru: Night falls, It gets dark <<<
日を送る: hiookuru: pass one's days [time] <<<
日に日に: hinihini: day by [after] day, every day, rapidly, with rapid strides
synonyms: 太陽
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: religion , astronomy
Number of strokes: 4
translation: heaven, god, sky
天から: tenkara: from the heavens, from above
天の: tennno: heavenly, celestial
天の声: tennnokoe: God's voice, order from a powerful person <<<
天の方に: tennnohouni: heavenward, skyward <<<
天を仰ぐ: tennoaogu: look up in the sky <<<
天に祈る: tennniinoru: pray to God <<<
天の助け: tennnotasuke: God's help <<<
天は自ら助ける者を助く: tenwamizukaratasukerumonootasuku: Heaven helps those who help themselves
天と地: tentochi: Heaven and Earth (an Olivier Stone's film, 1993) <<<
天: ama: heaven, god
天: ame
天: sora: sky <<<
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 4
translation: interior, inside, in
nai, dai, dou, nou
内: uchi
内から: uchikara: from within
内に: uchini: within, inside, indoors
内に居る: uchiniiru: stay indoors, be in, be at home, stay at home <<<
内に居ない: uchiniinai: be out, be away from home <<<
内に入る: uchinihairu: enter the house <<<
内の者: uchinomono: one's family, one's folks <<<
内の人: uchinohito: my husband <<<
内の事: uchinokoto: household matters [duties] <<<
内れる: ireru: let in, put in <<<
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 4
translation: father, papa, dad
hu, ho
父: chichi
父の: chichino: fatherly, fatherlike, paternal
父らしい: chichirashii
父らしさ: chichirashisa: fatherliness
父の日: chichinohi: Father's Day <<<
父さん: tousan: my dad
synonyms: パパ

category: to learn in school
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 4
translation: cow, ox
gyuu, go
牛: ushi
牛を飼う: ushiokau: keep cows, raise cattle <<<
牛の群れ: ushinomure: herd of cattle <<<
牛の歩み: ushinoayumi: snail's pace <<<
牛の骨: ushinohone: man of doubtful origin <<<
牛耳る: gyuujiru: take command of, take the lead (in), control (a person), defeat (a person in) <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: construction , transport
Number of strokes: 4
translation: draw, pull, haul, tug, tow, drag, trail, attract
引く: hiku: draw, pull, give a pull (at), haul, tug, tow, drag, trail, attract, catch, lead, quote, cite, refer to, conduct, install, lay on, inherit, reduce, cut down, subtract, [deduct] (from), take away from, lay on (paint), oil, wax
引き離す: hikihanasu: pull apart, estrange, run ahead of (a person), have a lead on (a person), wean <<<
引き返す: hikikaesu: come [go] back, return <<<
引き籠る: hikikomoru: stay indoors, shut oneself in, be laid up, keep to one's bed <<<
引き戻す: hikimodosu: pull [bring] back <<<
引き起こす: hikiokosu: raise [lift] up, help (a person) to get up, cause, bring about (an event), unleash, entail <<<
引き裂く: hikisaku: tear up, tear (cloth) to pieces, rend, split, sever (the two), estrange <<<
引き絞る: hikishiboru: draw aside, tuck up, bend (a bow) into a ring [to the full], strain (one's voice) <<<
引き倒す: hikitaosu: pull down <<<
引き止める: hikitomeru: detain, have a person stay, buttonhole (a person), keep [hold] back <<<
引き延ばす: hikinobasu: extend, prolong, protract <<<
引き寄せる: hikiyoseru: draw (a thing) near [toward, close to] one, attract <<<
引き摺る: hikizuru: draw, pull along, trail <<<
引き摺り込む: hikizurikomu: drag [bring, force] in
引き攣る: hikitsuru: be cramped, have a cramp
引き攣った: hikitsutta: cramped, twitchy
引っ掻く: hikkaku: scratch, claw <<<
引っ括める: hikkurumeru: make (things) into a bundle, put [bring] things together <<<
引っ立てる: hittateru: walk [march] (a person) off <<<
引っ手繰る: hittakuru: take (a thing) by force, snatch (off, away)(from)
引くに引かれぬ: hikunihikarenu: unavoidable, inevitable

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