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category: to learn in school
other spells: 1
keyword: number
Number of strokes: 1
translation: a, one, first
ichi, itsu
一め: hajime: beginning, start <<<
一: hito: one
一つ: hitotsu: one (n.)
一つの: hitotsuno: one (a.), same
一つにする: hitotsunisuru: unite, combine, join, make (things) into one, confuse, make no distinction between
一つには: hitotsuniha: on the one hand
一つに成る: hitotsuninaru: become one, be united <<<
一つに成って: hitotsuninatte: in a body <<<
一つ一つ: hitotsuhitotsu: one at a time, one by one, individually, separately
一つ残らず: hitotsunokorazu: to the very last, without exception <<<
一から十まで: ichikarajuumade: from beginning to end, in everything <<< , 全部
一も二も無く: ichimonimonaku: without hesitation, readily, flatly, willingly

category: to learn in school
keyword: kids
Number of strokes: 11
translation: give birth to, bear a child, be livered of (a baby), breed, lay eggs, spawn, produce, bring forth, yield
産む: umu: give birth to, bear a child, be livered of (a baby), breed, lay eggs, spawn, produce, bring forth, yield
産れ: umare: birth, origin <<<
産み落とす: umiotosu: give birth to, be delivered of (a baby), drop (a animal's baby)
産み出す: umidasu: produce, bring forth, yield
産: ubu: pref. for birth (jp.)

category: to learn in school
keyword: drink
Number of strokes: 12
translation: drink, take a drink, swallow, gulp
in, on
飲む: nomu: drink, take, have, use, swallow, gulp down, smoke (a cigar, a cigarette), make nothing of, despise, accept, bear
飲まず食わずで: nomazukuwazude: without food or drink
飲み明かす: nomiakasu: drink the night away, drink all night long
飲み歩く: nomiaruku: drink at one place after another, paint the town red
飲み込む: nomikomu: swallow, gulp down, understand, grasp (the meaning), learn (how to do) <<<
飲み過ぎる: nomisugiru: drink too much, overdrink (oneself)
飲み潰れる: nomitsubureru: get [be] dead drunk, pass out
飲み難い: nominikui: hard to drink, distasteful, nasty (medicine)
飲み干す: nomihosu: drink up [off], drain (a cup), toss [quaff] off <<<
飲み易い: nomiyasui: pleasant to drink, easy to take <<<
飲める: nomeru: be good [fit] to drink, be drinkable

category: to learn in school
other spells: 2
keyword: number
Number of strokes: 2
translation: two, pair
ni, ji
二つ: hutatsu, huta
二つに分ける: hutatsuniwakeru: divide (a thing) in two [into two parts] <<<
二つ共: hutatsutomo: both, neither <<< , 両方
二つずつ: hutatsuzutsu: two at a time, by twos
二つと無い: hutatsutonai: only, unique, matchless <<<
二つ置きに: hutatsuokini: at every three, third place <<<
二たび: hutatabi: again <<<
二の次: ninotsugi: secondary, subordinate <<<
二の次にする: ninotsuginisuru: let (a matter) wait, put off, lay aside, postpone <<<
二の舞: ninomai: the same errors
二の舞を演じる: ninomaioenjiru: commit the same errors (in), repeat a person's mistake [folly]
二の足: ninoashi: the second foot
二の足を踏む: ninoashiohumu: hesitate (to do), recoil (from), hang back
二の腕: ninoude: upper arm <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: weapon , martial art
Number of strokes: 2
translation: sword
刀: katana
刀: nata: hatchet
刀を差す: katanaosasu: wear [bear] a sword
刀を研ぐ: katanaotogu: sharpen a sword <<<
刀を抜く: katanaonuku: draw a sword <<<
刀を納める: katanaoosameru: sheathe a sword
刀を入れる: katanaoireru <<<
刀の刃: katananoha: edge [blade] of a sword <<<
刀の背: katananose: back of a sword
刀の鞘: katananosaya: sheath for a sword, scabbard

category: to learn in school
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 3
translation: bow
弓: yumi
弓の柄: yuminoe: bow <<<
弓の弦: yuminotsuru: bowstring
弓を引く: yumiohiku: draw [bend] a bow, rise in revolt (against)
弓を射る: yumioiru: shoot an arrow <<<
弓に矢を番える: yuminiyaotsugaeru: fix [put] an arrow to the bow

category: to learn in school
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 3
translation: at one time, in the past, once
kyuu, ku
久しい: hisashii: long, long-continued, of long standing [duration]
久しい間: hisashiiaida: for a long time [while]
久しく: hisashiku
久: hisashi: pers.

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 3
translation: child, kid, mouse (zod., bor.), midnight
shi, su
子: ko: child, kid, infant, baby, offspring, boy, son, daughter, girl (suff., jp.)
子が無い: koganai: be childless, have no children [issue], be barren <<<
子を産む: kooumu: bear [give birth to] a child, bring forth the young <<<
子: otoko: boy, son <<<
子: mi: seed
子: ne: mouse (zod.), midnight <<<
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: nature , geography
Number of strokes: 3
translation: river, stream
川: kawa
川を渡る: kawaowataru: cross a river <<<
川を上る: kawaonoboru: go up a river <<<
川を下る: kawaokudaru: go down a river
川を浚う: kawaosarau: dredge a river <<<
川に沿って: kawanisotte: along a river <<< 沿
synonyms: ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: nature , geography
Number of strokes: 3
translation: mountain, mount
山: yama: mountain, hill, mound, pile, heap, adventure (jp.), chance, opportunity
山の多い: yamanoooi: mountainous, hilly <<<
山に登る: yamaninoboru: climb [ascend] a mountain <<<
山を下る: yamaokudaru: descend [go down] a mountain
山を越える: yamaokoeru: overcome a crisis
山の頂: yamanoitadaki: summit of a mountain <<<
山と積む: yamatotsumu: pile [stack] (up) <<<
山程の: yamahodono: lots of, heaps of, a mountain of <<<
山の様な: yamanoyouna <<<
山を張る: yamaoharu: speculate (on), take the chance, take chances [a chance]
山を掛ける: yamaokakeru <<<
synonyms: ,

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