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キーワード: 植物
画数: 18
翻訳:shepherd's purse
セイ, ザイ, シ
薺: なずな

違う綴り: 2
キーワード: 数字
画数: 2
翻訳:two, pair
ニ, ジ
二つ: ふたつ, ふた
二つに分ける: ふたつにわける: divide (a thing) in two [into two parts] <<<
二つ共: ふたつとも: both, neither <<< , 両方
二つずつ: ふたつずつ: two at a time, by twos
二つと無い: ふたつとない: only, unique, matchless <<<
二つ置きに: ふたつおきに: at every three, third place <<<
二たび: ふたたび: again <<<
二の次: にのつぎ: secondary, subordinate <<<
二の次にする: にのつぎにする: let (a matter) wait, put off, lay aside, postpone <<<
二の舞: にのまい: the same errors <<<
二の舞を演じる: にのまいをえんじる: commit the same errors (in), repeat a person's mistake [folly]
二の足: にのあし: the second foot <<<
二の足を踏む: にのあしをふむ: hesitate (to do), recoil (from), hang back
二の腕: にのうで: upper arm <<<

キーワード: 交通
画数: 2
翻訳:enter, insert, in, into
ニュウ, ジュ
入る: はいる: enter, go [come, get, step] in [into], let oneself in, break [force one's way] into, participate in, hold, contain, be included, accommodate, have an income of, score
入らせる: はいらせる: admit, let (a person) into
入れる: いれる: put in [into], pour in, pack in, let in, insert, set in, accommodate, include, listen to, accept, grant, hire, employ
入る: いる: necessary (jp.)
入り: いり: income (jp.)
入: しお: unit of the dyeing (jp.)

キーワード: 機械学
画数: 2
翻訳:force, power, strive
リキ, リョク
力: ちから: power, force (n.), strength, energy, spirit, vigor, efforts, aid, help, assistance, support, endeavors, ability, faculty
力が強い: ちからがつよい: be strong, be of great strength <<<
力が弱い: ちからがよわい: be weak, be of little strength <<<
力が尽きる: ちからがつきる: be exhausted [tired out] <<<
力が抜ける: ちからがぬける: One's strength is gone [gives out] <<<
力の有る: ちからのある: powerful, energetic, vigorous, mighty, strong, sinewy, able, capable, talented <<<
力の無い: ちからのない: powerless, weak, spiritless, incapable, without ability <<< , 無能
力を出す: ちからをだす: put forth one's strength <<<
力を振る: うちからをふるう <<<
力を落す: ちからをおとす: be discouraged [disheartened, disappointed] <<<
力を尽くす: ちからをつくす: make efforts, exert oneself, endeavor (to do) <<<
力める: つとめる: make an effort, strive <<<
力む: りきむ: strain
関連語: , パワー , エネルギー

画数: 3
翻訳:I, me, myself, sixth symbol of jik.
コ, キ
己: おのれ: I, me, you (pej., jp.), yourself
己の: おのれの: one's own
己に勝つ: おのれにかつ: conquer oneself <<<
己を知る: おのれをしる: know oneself <<<
己: つちのと: sixth symbol of jik.
同意語: ,

キーワード: 位置
画数: 3
翻訳:top, up, upper, above, superior, high, noble
ジョウ, ショウ
上げる: あげる: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist, fly, land, unload, promote, increase, raise, give (pol.) offer, present, do for a person <<< ,
上がる: あがる: go [come] up (to), rise, jump up (on), go up, climb, soar, advance, be promoted, be completed [finished], come to an end [a finish], be sufficient, come in, walk in, enter, improve, make progress, produce, achieve, accomplish, get nervous [excited]
上る: のぼる: go up, come up, soar, mount <<<
上: うえ: top, up, upper, above
上: かみ: superior (n.)
上の: うえの: upper (a.), above, higher, larger, older, more, better, superior
上りの: のぼりの: uphill, up
上に: うえに: on, over, above, up, upward
上から: うえから: from above
上から下まで: うえからしたまで: from above to bottom <<<
上の級: うえのきゅう: upper class <<<
上の階: うえのかい: upper floor [story], upstairs <<<
上の人: うえのひと: one's superior, those above one <<<
上り詰める: のぼりつめる: go [ascend] up to the top <<<

画数: 3
翻訳:small, tiny, little, minor, detail, child, minor
小さい: ちいさい: small, tiny, little, minor, baby (a.), fine, minute, delicate, trifling, insignificant, petty, slight
小さな: ちいさな
小さい時に: ちいさいときに: when one was very young, in one's early days <<<
小さい時から: ちいさいときから: from (in) childhood [infancy] <<<
小さい声で: ちいさいごえで: in a low voice <<<
小さい事: ちいさいこと: a trifle, trivial matter <<<
小さく: ちいさく: small (adv.), in a small way, on a small scale
小さく切る: ちいさくきる: cut into pieces, chop up <<<
小さく成る: ちいさくなる: become smaller, dwindle, cringe, shrink, feel small, humble oneself, be humble <<<
小さくする: ちいさくする: diminish, make smaller, reduce
小: こ: small, child
小: お
小ない: すくない: few <<<
小: こども: child, children

画数: 3
翻訳:ball, round, circle, ring
丸: まる: round (n.), circle, suffix of ship's name (jp.)
丸ごと: まるごと: wholly, entirely
丸で: まるで: completely, entirely, utterly, altogether
丸で囲む: まるでかこむ: encircle <<<
丸い: まるい: round (a.), circular
丸く: まるく: round (adv.), in a circle
丸く成る: まるくなる: round (vi.), roll up into a ball <<<
丸まる: まるまる
丸くする: まるくする: round, make round, round off, round up
丸める: まるめる: round (vt.), make round, make (a thing) into a ball, crumple (a piece of paper) into a ball, curl up, charm the pants off sb., twist sb. around [round] one's (little) finger
丸く治める: まるくおさめる: settle (the affair) amicably, smooth over (a quarrel) <<<
丸: たま: ball, bullet, shell <<<

画数: 3
翻訳:perish, die, disappear, absent
ボウ, モウ
亡びる: ほろびる: perish, die (fig.), disappear <<<
亡い: ない: be absent <<<
亡き: なき: the [one's] deceased [late, departed] <<<
亡き父: なきちち: one's deceased [late] father <<<

画数: 3
翻訳:mouth, lips, tongue, hole
コウ, ク
口: くち: mouth, lips, hole, cork, stopper, plug, tap, speech, words, tongue
口にする: くちにする: eat (a bit), tell sb. about sth.
口に合う: くちにあう: suit one's taste [palate] <<<
口をする: くちをする: cork (v.), plug up, stop
口を開ける: くちをあける: uncork, unstop, open, (begin to) speak <<<
口を切る: くちをきる: break the silence, break the ice <<<
口を利く: くちをきく: speak, mediate (between), recommend <<<
口を割る: くちをわる: tell, disclose (a secret) <<<
口を揃えて: くちをそろえて: in chorus, with one accord <<<
口の重い: くちのおもい: taciturn, reticent, (a man) of few words <<<
口の軽い: くちのかるい: talkative, loquacious <<< , 御喋り
口の堅い: くちのかたい: closemouthed, tightlipped <<<
口の悪い: くちのわるい: foul-tongued, sarcastic, slanderous <<<
口の達者な: くちのたっしゃな: fluent, glib-tongued
口の上手い: くちのうまい: honey-tongued, fair-spoken
口説く: くどく: make advances to, curt (a woman), entreat, solicit, persuade <<<
口説き落とす: くどきおとす: win a person's heart, win (a person) over, make a conquest of (a woman)
口汚い: くちぎたない: foul-mouthed, foul-tongued, abusive <<<
口籠る: くちごもる: mumble, stammer, falter <<<
口遊む: くちずさむ: hum, croon <<<
口喧しい: くちやかましい: nagging, faultfinding, censorious, particular, strident <<<
口は災いの元: くちはわさわいのもと: Out of the mouth comes evil
口: あな: hole, opening, aperture <<<

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