Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
Direct access: , Hc , Y , YL , , , , , L ,

pronunciation: aiken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: pet
translation: one's pet dog
: aikenka: dog fancier, lover of dogs <<<


pronunciation: akita
kanji characters: H , c
keyword: japan , pet
translation: Akita (prefecture, city)
Hc: akitaken: Prefecture of Akita <<<
Hcs: akitashi: City of Akita <<< s
Hc: akitaken: akita dog <<<
Hc`: akitakuukou: Aikta Airport <<< `
related words:


pronunciation: osuinu
kanji characters: Y ,
keyword: pet
translation: male dog
related words:


pronunciation: osuneko
kanji characters: Y , L
keyword: pet
translation: male cat, tomcat
antonyms: L

pronunciation: kainushi
kanji characters: ,
other spells:
keyword: pet
translation: pet owner
̖: kainushinonai: ownerless [homeless] (pet) <<<

pronunciation: kyouken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: pet , disease
translation: rabid [mad] dog
a: kyoukenbyou: hydrophobia, canine madness, rabies <<< a
a: kyoukenbyouno: hydrophobic
aN`: kyoukenbyouwakuchin: antihydrophobia vaccine

pronunciation: kubiwa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: pet , accessory
translation: collar
ւt: kubiwaotsukeru: put a collar <<< t
related words: lbNX

pronunciation: kuroinu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: pet
translation: black dog


pronunciation: kuroneko
kanji characters: , L
keyword: pet
translation: black cat
antonyms: L

pronunciation: kettou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: pet , family
translation: bloodline, lineage, family line, pedigree, stock
ǂ: kettougaii: come of a good stock <<<
: kettougawarui: come of a bad stock <<<
: kettousho: certificate of breed <<<

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