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Direct access: ݒ , ̑ , , , bB , , , , q{ ,


pronunciation: ichou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs
translation: stomach and intestines
ݒ: ichouno: gastrointestinal, digestive
ݒア: ichougayowai: have a weak digestion <<<
ݒ: ichougatsuyoi: have a good digestion <<<
ݒ: ichouokowasu: have a stomach disorder <<<
ݒa: ichoubyou: gastroenteric disorder, digestive ailment <<< a
ݒaw: ichoubyougaku: gastroenterology <<< w
ݒ: ichouen: gastroenteritis <<<
ݒJ^: ichoukataru
ݒ: ichouyaku: medicine for the stomach and bowels <<<
ݒa@: ichoubyouin: hospital for the stomach and bowels <<< a@
ݒQ: ichoushougai: stomach [digestive] disorder <<< Q


pronunciation: kanzou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs
translation: liver
̑: kanzouno: hepatic
̑a: kanzoubyou: liver trouble, complaint, disorder <<< a
̑: kanzouen: inflammation of the liver, hepatitis <<< , ̉
̑: kanzougan: cancer of the liver, hepatic cancer <<<
̊̑: ushinokanzou: liver of beef <<<
synonyms: o[

pronunciation: kikan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs
translation: organ
related words: C

pronunciation: kekkan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs
translation: blood vessel
ǂ: kekkannno: vascular
njn: kekkankei: vascular system <<< n
njn: kekkankeitou <<< n
ǎ: kekkanshu: vascular tumor, hemangioma <<<
ǔj: kekkanharetsu: blood vessel burst <<< j
Ǒe: kekkanzouei: angiography, arteriography


pronunciation: koujousen
kanji characters: b , , B
keyword: organs
translation: thyroid gland
bB: koujousennno: thyroid
bB: koujousennen: thyroiditis <<<
bB: koujousenshu: goiter <<<
bBz: koujousenhonrumon: thyroxin

pronunciation: kotsuzui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs
translation: (bone) marrow
: kotsuzuien: osteomyelitis <<<
ڐA: kotsuzuiishoku: (bone) marrow transplantation <<< ڐA
񋟎: kotsuzuiteikyousha: donor of (bone) marrow

pronunciation: kotsuban
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs
translation: pelvis
Ղ: kotsubannno: pelvic
related words: ,

pronunciation: kotsumaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs
translation: periosteum
: kotsumakuen: periostitis <<<


pronunciation: shikyuu
kanji characters: q , {
keyword: organs
translation: womb, uterus, matrix
q{: shikyuuno: uterine
q{: shikyuugan: uterine cancer <<<
q{: shikyuuen: metritis <<<
q{o: shikyuushukketsu: metrorrhagia <<< o
q{؊J: shikyuusekkai: hysterotomy
q{؏: shikyuusetsujo: hysterectomy
q{ODP: shikyuugaininshin: extra-uterine pregnancy
related words:

pronunciation: shouchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: organs
translation: small intestine

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