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Direct access: 石棺 , 摂政 , 戦後 , 専制 , 戦前 , 戦争 , 相続 , 租界 , 即位 , 存亡


pronunciation: sekkan, sekikan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: stone coffin, sarcophagus


pronunciation: sesshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: regency, regentship, regent


pronunciation: sengo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , war
translation: postwar (period)
戦後の: sengono: after the war, postwar (a.)
戦後派: sengoha: postwar [apres-guerre] generation <<<
戦後復興: sengohukkou: postwar recovery [rehabilitation] <<< 復興
related words: 戦前


pronunciation: sensei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: autocracy, despotism
専制的: senseiteki: autocratic, despotic, arbitrary <<<
専制主義: senseishugi: absolutism, despotism <<< 主義
専制政治: senseiji: despotic government, autocracy <<< 政治
専制君主: senseikunshu: despot, autocrat, Leviathan <<< 君主
related words: 独裁


pronunciation: senzen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , war
translation: prewar (period)
戦前の: senzennno: before the war, prewar (a.)
戦前に: senzennni: before the war
戦前派: senzenha: prewar generation <<<
related words: 戦後


pronunciation: sensou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , history
translation: war, battle
戦争する: sensousuru: make [go to] war with, wage war against, fight a battle
戦争を行う: sensouookonau <<<
戦争に行く: sensouniiku: go to war, go to the front
戦争に出る: sensounideru <<<
戦争中の: sensouchuuno: belligerent, warring <<<
戦争が起こる: sensougaokoru: A war break out <<<
戦争好きの: sensouzukino: warlike, bellicose <<<
戦争屋: sensouya: warmonger, bellicist <<<
戦争に勝つ: sensounikatsu: win a battle, gain a victory <<<
戦争に負ける: sensounimakeru: lose a battle, be defeated in a war <<<
戦争状態: sensoujoutai: state of war <<< 状態
戦争犯罪: sensouhanzai: war crime <<< 犯罪
核戦争: kakusensou: nuclear [atomic] war <<<
synonyms: 戦闘


pronunciation: souzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life , history
translation: inheritance, succession
相続する: souzokusuru: inherit, succeed
相続争い: souzokuarasoi: quarrel over succession <<<
相続権: souzokuken: right of succession [inheritance], heirship <<<
相続税: souzokuzei: inheritance tax, death duty <<<
相続人: souzokunin: heir, heiress (f.), successor <<<
相続法: souzokuhou: law of succession <<<
相続物: souzokubutsu: heirloom <<<
相続財産: souzokuzaisan: an inheritance, heritage, inherited property <<< 財産
相続契約: souzokukeiyaku: contract of inheritance <<< 契約
相続順位: souzokujunni: order of succession <<< 順位


pronunciation: sokai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: settlement, concession


pronunciation: sokui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: accession to the throne
即位する: sokuisuru: ascend [accede to] the throne
即位させる: sokuisaseru: enthrone
即位式: sokuishiki: enthronement ceremony, coronation <<<


pronunciation: sonbou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: existence, fate, destiny
存亡に関する: sonbounikansuru: life-or-death question for <<<

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