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Direct access: 看病 , 外傷 , 外来 , 合併 , 眼科 , 記憶 , 気功 , 傷跡 , 傷口 , 気絶


pronunciation: kanbyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: nursing
看病する: kanbyousuru: nurse, tend, sit up with (a person)
看病疲れする: kanbyouZukaresuru: become exhausted from a long period of nursing <<<
看病人: kanbyounin: (sick) nurse <<<
related words: 看護


pronunciation: gaishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: external injury, traumatism
外傷を負う: gaishouoou: receive an external injury <<<
外傷を受ける: gaishououkeru <<<
外傷性: gaishousei: traumatic <<<


pronunciation: gairai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , nature
translation: foreign origin, coming from abroad, from the outside
外来の: gairaino: foreign, extern, from the outside
外来語: gairaigo: loanword <<<
外来種: gairaishu: foreign species <<<
外来植物: gairaishokubutsu: exotic plant <<< 植物
外来思想: gairaishisou: alien idea <<< 思想
外来患者: gairaikanja: outpatient <<< 患者
外来診察: gairaishinsatsu: outpatient clinic, ambulatory <<< 診察
外来診療: gairaishinryou <<< 診療
外来診療科: gairaishinryouka: outpatient department <<<
related words: 外国


pronunciation: gappei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , medicine
translation: merger, union, combination, amalgamation, fusion
合併する: gappeisuru: merge, unite, combine, amalgamate
合併症: gappeishou: complications <<<
合併号: gappeigou: merged issue <<<
related words: 合体


pronunciation: ganka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: ophthalmology
眼科の: gankano: ophthalmologic, ophthalmic
眼科医: gankai: oculist, eye doctor (specialist), ophthalmologist <<<
眼科医院: gankaiin: ophthalmic hospital <<< 医院


pronunciation: kioku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer , medicine
translation: memory, remembrance, recollection, record
記憶する: kiokusuru: remember, keep in mind, memorize, learn by heart
記憶すべき: kiokusubeki: memorable, noteworthy
記憶が良い: kiokugaii: have a good [strong] memory <<<
記憶が悪い: kiokugawarui: have a bad [poor] memory <<<
記憶を失う: kiokuoushinau: lose memory <<<
記憶が無い: kiokuganai: cannot remember <<<
記憶を辿る: kiokuotadoru: try to recall <<< 辿
記憶力: kiokuryoku: retentive faculty <<<
記憶術: kiokujutsu: mnemonics <<<
記憶喪失: kiokusoushitsu: amnesia, loss of memory <<< 喪失
記憶喪失の: kiokusoushitsuno: amnesic
記憶障害: kiokushougai: disturbance of memory <<< 障害
記憶装置: kiokusouchi: computer memory <<< 装置
記憶効果: kiokukouka: memory effect <<< 効果
記憶容量: kiokuyouryou: memory [storage] capacity <<< 容量
related words: メモリー , 思い出


pronunciation: kikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion , medicine
translation: qigong, chigong, chikung
気功集団: kikoushuudan: Falun Gong <<< 集団


pronunciation: kizuato
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: scar
傷跡の有る: kizuatonoaru: scarred <<<
心の傷跡: kokoronokizuato: heart wound <<<


pronunciation: kizuguchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: open wound
傷口を縫う: kizuguchionuu: sew up the wound <<<
傷口が塞がる: kizuguchigahusagaru: The wound closes <<<
傷口が開く: kizukuchigahiraku: The wound opens <<<
傷口を消毒する: kizuguchioshoudokusuru: disinfect a wound <<< 消毒


pronunciation: kizetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: faint (n.), swoon (n.), syncope
気絶した: kizetsushita: senseless, unconscious
気絶する: kizetsusuru: faint (v.), swoon (v.), lose consciousness, fall senseless
気絶させる: kizetsusaseru: knock out, stun
synonyms: 失神

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