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Direct access: 医療 , 入歯 , 陰性 , 院長 , 往診 , 下り物 , 介護 , 回診 , 回復 , 介抱


pronunciation: iryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: medical treatment, medical care
医療の: iryouno: medical
医療を受ける: iryououkeru: have medical treatment <<<
医療費: iryouhi: medical bill <<<
医療品: iryouhin: medical supplies <<<
医療班: iryouhan: medical team <<<
医療器具: iryoukigu: medical apparatus <<< 器具
医療器械: iryoukikai <<< 器械
医療活動: iryoukatsudou: medical services <<< 活動
医療施設: iryoushisetsu: medical facilities <<< 施設
医療制度: iryouseido: medical care system <<< 制度
医療保険: iryouhoken: medical care insurance <<< 保険
医療扶助: iryouhujo: medical aid
医療介護者: iryoukaigosha: paramedic
医療ミス: iryoumisu: medical malpractice


pronunciation: ireba
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 入れ歯
keyword: medicine
translation: artificial [false] tooth, denture
入歯をする: irebaosuru: have a false tooth put in
入歯を入れる: irebaoireru <<<
入歯を外す: irebaohazusu: take out one's plate of teeth <<<
入歯洗浄液: irebasenjoueki: denture cleaner
総入歯: souireba: full set of false teeth <<<


pronunciation: insei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: negativity
陰性の: inseino: negative
陰性反応: inseihannnou: negative reaction <<< 反応
antonyms: 陽性


pronunciation: inchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: director (of a hospital), president, principal


pronunciation: oushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: (doctor's) visit (to a patient)
往診する: oushinsuru: go and see a patient at his house, call on one's patient
往診料: oushinryou: doctor's fee for a visit <<<
往診時間: oushinjikan: hours for visiting patients <<< 時間


pronunciation: orimono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: discharge (from the womb), menstruation, after-birth
related words: 月経


pronunciation: kaigo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: care, nursing
介護する: kaigosuru: take care of, attend, nurse
介護人: kaigonin: attendant, helper <<<
介護保険: kaigohoken: nursing care insurance <<< 保険
related words: 看護 , 介抱


pronunciation: kaishin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: round visit (of one's patients)
回診する: kaishinsuru: make a round of visits (to one's patients)
回診時間: kaishinjikan: visiting hours, time of round visit <<< 時間


pronunciation: kaihuku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 快復
keyword: medicine
translation: recovery, restoration
回復する: kaihukusuru: recover, restore
回復期: kaihukuki: convalescent stage <<<
回復力: kaihukuryoku: resilience, elasticity <<<
回復室: kaihukushitsu: recovery room <<<


pronunciation: kaihou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: nursing, care
介抱する: kaihousuru: nurse (v.), tend, attend on, look after
related words: 看護 , 介護

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