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Direct access: 時計 , 途端 , 同時 , 二回 , 日常 , 日没 , 日中 , 二度 , 場合 , 久し振り


pronunciation: tokei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time , accessory
translation: clock, watch
時計が進む: tokeigasusumu: The watch [clock] gains <<<
時計が遅れる: tokeigaokureru: The watch [clock] loses <<<
時計の針: tokeinohari: hands (of a watch) <<<
時計の鎖: tokeinokusari: watch chain <<<
時計を見る: tokeiomiru: look at a watch [clock] <<<
時計を巻く: tokeiomaku: wind up a watch [clock] <<<
時計回り: tokeimawari: clockwise <<<
逆時計回り: gyakudokeimawari: anti-clockwise, counter-clockwise <<<
時計の音: tokeinooto: ticking of a clock, ticktack, tictac <<<
時計台: tokeidai: clock tower <<<
時計屋: tokeiya: clockmaker, watchmaker <<<
腕時計: udedokei: wristwatch <<<
砂時計: sunadokei: hourglass, sandglass <<<
日時計: hidokei: sundial <<<
鳩時計: hatodokei: cuckoo clock <<<


pronunciation: totan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: just as, at the moment, no sooner than
途端に: totannni
related words:


pronunciation: douji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time , media
translation: simultaneity, synchronism
同時の: doujino: simultaneous, synchronous
同時に: doujini: at the same time, at once, simultaneously
同時通訳: doujitsuuyaku: simultaneous interpretation <<< 通訳
同時発生: doujihassei: simultaneity, simultaneousness, synchronism <<< 発生
同時録音: doujirokuon: synchronous recording <<< 録音
同時放送: doujihousou: simulcast, live program <<< 放送
synonyms: 一斉


pronunciation: nikai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 2回
keyword: time
translation: twice, two times
二回目: nikaime: the second time <<<
二回目に: nikaimeni: for the second time
二回戦: nikaisen: the second round, two rounds <<<
第二回: dainikai: the second <<<
月二回: tsukinikai: semimonthly, fortnightly <<<
年二回: nennnikai: semiannual, half-yearly, biannual <<<
synonyms: 二度
related words: 一回


pronunciation: nichijou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: every day, daily (adv.), always, usually
日常の: nichijouno: daily (a.), everyday, ordinary
日常性: nichijousei: daily routinism <<<
日常生活: nichijouseikatsu: everyday [daily] life <<< 生活
日常活動: nichijoukatsudou: daily activities <<< 活動
日常業務: nichijougyoumu: daily business <<< 業務
日常会話: nichijoukaiwa: daily conversation <<< 会話
日常茶飯事: nichijousahanji: everyday experience [occurrence]
related words: 毎日


pronunciation: nichibotsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: sunset, sundown
日没に: nichibotsuni: towards subset, at sunset
日没前: nichibotsumae: before sunset [nightfall] <<<
日没後: nichibotsugo: after sunset [nightfall] <<<
related words: 日入


pronunciation: nitchuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time , china
translation: daytime, Japan and China
日中は: nitchuuwa: in the daytime, during the day
日中関係: nitchuukankei: relation between Japan and China <<< 関係
synonyms: 昼間


pronunciation: nido
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 2度
keyword: unit , time
translation: twice, two times, the second time, two degrees
二度目: nidome: the second time <<<
二度目の: nidomeno: the second (a.)
二度目に: nidomeni: for the second time
二度に亘って: nidoniwatatte: twice <<<
二度としない: nidotoshinai: never do again
二度と無い機会: nidotonaikikai: opportunity of a lifetime
二度ある事は三度ある: nidoarukotohasandoaru: Never two without three
月に二度: tsukininido: twice a month <<<
週に二度: shuuninido: twice a week <<<
synonyms: 二回
related words: 一度


pronunciation: baai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: occasion, time, circumstances, case
の場合には: nobaainiha: in case of, in the event of, on the occasion of
場合に拠っては: baainiyotteha: under certain circumstances, as the case may be <<<
場合に拠り: baainiyori
場合に拠る: baainiyoru: That depends upon circumstances, It all depends
場合に応じて: baainioujite: as the case may be <<<


pronunciation: hisashiburi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 久しぶり
keyword: time
translation: after a long interval
久し振りに: hisashiburini
久し振りに会う: hisashiburiniau: meet a person after a long separation <<<
久し振りに対面する: hisashiburinitaimensuru <<< 対面

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