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Direct access: 車庫 , 遮断 , 集荷 , 終点 , 衝突 , 司令 , 進行 , 信号 , 進入 , 時刻


pronunciation: shako
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car , transport
translation: garage, car shed, car barn
車庫に入れる: shakoniireru: garage (a car), put into a car shed <<<
related words: ガレージ


pronunciation: shadan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport , electricity
translation: interception
遮断する: shadansuru: cut off, intercept
遮断機: shadanki: contact breaker, crossing gate <<<


pronunciation: shuuka
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 集貨
keyword: transport
translation: cargo booking, collection of cargo
集荷所: shuukasho, shuukajo: collecting point <<<


pronunciation: shuuten
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: terminus, termination, terminal
antonyms: 起点


pronunciation: shoutotsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: collision, crash (n.), prang
衝突する: shoutotsusuru: collide, crash (v.), hit, prang


pronunciation: shirei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , transport
translation: commandment
司令官: shireikan: commander <<<
司令部: shireibu: command center, headquarter <<<
司令塔: shireitou: conning tower, control tower <<<
司令長官: shireichoukan: commander in chief <<< 長官
related words: 指令


pronunciation: shinkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: advance (n.), progress, march
進行する: shinkousuru: advance (v.), make progress, move onward [forward]
進行が速い: shinkougahayai: make rapid progress <<<
進行が遅い: shinkougaosoi: make slow progress <<<
進行中: shinkouchuu: be in progress, be under way, be in motion <<<
進行係: shinkougakari: program director, moderator <<<
進行形: shinkoukei: progressive form <<<
進行方向: shinkouhoukou: direction of progress <<< 方向
synonyms: 進捗
related words: 行進


pronunciation: shingou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: signal (n.), signaling
信号する: shingousuru: signal (v.), give [make] a signal
信号を出す: shingouodasu <<<
信号を送る: shingouookuru <<<
信号を守る: shingouomamoru: observe the signal <<<
信号を無視する: shingouomushisuru: ignore the signal <<< 無視
信号機: shingouki: signal station, alarm, semaphore <<<
信号旗: shingouki: signal flag <<<
信号手: shingoushu: signalman <<<
信号所: shingousho: signal station <<<
信号灯: shingoutou: signal lamp, signal light <<<
信号弾: shingoudan: flare, distress rocket <<<
赤信号: akashingou: red light <<<
黄信号: kishingou: yellow light <<<
青信号: aoshingou: green light <<<


pronunciation: shinnnyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport
translation: approach (of a plane, a train)
進入する: shinnnyuusuru: approach (v.)
進入灯: shinnnyuutou: approach light <<<


pronunciation: jikoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport , time
translation: (precise) time [hour]
時刻通りに: jikokudoorini: punctually, on time <<<
時刻を違えずに: jikokuotagaezuni <<<
時刻が迫る: jikokugasemaru: Time presses <<<
時刻表: jikokuhyou: train timetable [schedules] <<<
synonyms: 時間

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