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Direct access: 即座 , 黄昏 , 只今 , 度々 , 断続 , 遅延 , 遅刻 , 都度 , 定刻 , 当分


pronunciation: sokuza
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: quickness, promptness
即座の: sokuzano: instant, ready, quick, prompt, offhand
即座に: sozuzani: instantly, promptly, on the spot
related words: 迅速 , 早速 , インスタント


pronunciation: tasogare
kanji characters:
keyword: time
translation: dusk, twilight
黄昏時: tasogaredoki <<<
黄昏時に: tasogaredokini: at dusk
synonyms: 夕暮 , 宵闇
related words: 夕方


pronunciation: tadaima
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 唯今
keyword: time
translation: now, at present, just now, directly, soon in a minute
只今の所: tadaimanotokoro: for the present <<<
只今迄に: tadaimamadeni: up to now [the present], so far, to date <<<
只今参ります: tadaimamairimasu: I am coming <<<


pronunciation: tabitabi
kanji characters:
other spells: 度度
keyword: time
translation: many times, often, frequently, repeatedly
度々の: tabitabino: frequent, repeated
synonyms: 屡々


pronunciation: danzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: intermittence
断続的: danzokuteki: intermittent, sporadic, sporadical <<<
断続的に: danzokutekini: intermittently, sporadically, at intervals, on and off
断続する: danzokusuru: be intermittent, come off and on
antonyms: 連続


pronunciation: chien
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: delay (n.)
遅延する: chiensuru: delay (v.), be delayed [tardy]


pronunciation: chikoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: lateness, tardiness, delay
遅刻する: chikokusuru: be behind time, be late (for), be tardy (at), come late (to)
遅刻者: chikokusha: late comer <<<
遅刻届: chikokutodoke: report for being late, late report <<<


pronunciation: tsudo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: every [each] time, as often as, whenever
其の都度: sonotsudo: on all such occasions, each time <<<
related words: 毎回


pronunciation: teikoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: fixed time
定刻に: teikokuni: at the appointed hour
定刻に来る: teikokunikuru: arrive on (schedule) time, arrive duly, be due <<<
定刻に遅れる: teikokuniokureru: be behind time <<<


pronunciation: toubun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: time
translation: for the present, for the time being, for some time (to come), for a while
related words: 当座

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