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Direct access: 団体 , 団長 , 挑戦 , 跳躍 , 綱引 , 鉄拳 , 鉄棒 , 点差 , 弟子 , 冬季


pronunciation: dantai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel , sport
translation: organization, association, party, group
団体を作る: dantaiotsukuru: make up a party <<<
団体に入る: dantainihairu: enter [join] an association [a group] <<<
団体客: dantaikyaku: party of tourists <<<
団体交渉: dantaikoushou: collective bargaining <<< 交渉 , 団交
団体交渉権: dantaikoushouken: collective bargaining right <<<
団体旅行: dantairyokou: group tour <<< 旅行
団体割引: dantaiwaribiki: party reduction <<< 割引
団体競技: dantaikyougi: team event, team competition <<< 競技
団体生活: dantaiseikatsu: group life <<< 生活
団体精神: dantaiseishin: team spirit <<< 精神


pronunciation: danchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: leader [head] of a party


pronunciation: chousen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: challenge (n.), defiance, provocation
挑戦する: chousensuru: challenge (v.), defy, dare
挑戦に応じる: chousennnioujiru: accept [take] a challenge, take up the glove <<<
挑戦的: chousenteki: provocative, defiant <<<
挑戦者: chousensha: challenger <<< , チャレンジャー
related words: 挑発 , チャレンジ


pronunciation: chouyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: jump (n.), jumping, spring, curvet
跳躍する: chouyakusuru: jump (v.), leap, spring
跳躍台: chouyakudai: springboard <<<
跳躍運動: chouyakuundou: spring exercise <<< 運動
synonyms: ジャンプ


pronunciation: tsunahiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: tug war
綱引をする: tsunahikiosuru: play at a tug of war


pronunciation: tekken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: clenched fist
鉄拳を加える: tekkennokuwaeru: strike (a person) with one's fist <<<
鉄拳を振う: tekkennohuruu <<<
鉄拳制裁: tekkenseisai: fist punishment <<< 制裁
related words: 拳骨


pronunciation: tetsubou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: iron bar, horizontal bar


pronunciation: tensa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: margin
点差を縮める: tensaochiJimeru: narrow the margin [score] <<<


pronunciation: deshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , religion , sport
translation: disciple, follower, pupil
弟子にする: deshinisuru: take a person as one's pupil
弟子を取る: deshiotoru: take pupils <<<
弟子入りする: deshiirisuru: become a person's pupil, be apprenticed <<<
兄弟子: anideshi: older disciple <<<


pronunciation: touki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , sport
translation: winter season
冬季オリンピック: toukiorinpikku: Winter Olympics
synonyms: 冬期
antonyms: 夏季

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