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Direct access: 注意 , 取締 , 認証 , 非常 , 秘密 , 無事 , 保安 , 防衛 , 無傷 , 門番


pronunciation: chuui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security
translation: attention, care, heed, notice, interest, watch, caution, advice, counsel, warning, admonition, hint
注意する: chuuisuru: be careful, cautious, warn
注意して: chuuishite: carefully, with care, attentively, cautiously
注意が足りない: chuuigatarinai: be careless, inattentive <<<
注意を怠る: chuuiookotaru: be negligent, relax one's attention <<< , 油断
注意を逸らす: chuuiosorasu: distract [divert] a person's attention <<<
注意深い: chuuibukai: careful, attentive, observant, watchful, wary, cautious <<<
注意を引く: chuuiohiku: draw [attract, arrest, catch] a person's attention, be attractive, come into [under] notice, arouse interest <<<
注意を向ける: chuuiomukeru: turn one's attention, bring to a person's attention <<<
注意報: chuuihou: (meteorological) warning <<<
注意人物: chuuijinbutsu: wanted (person) <<< 人物
不注意: huchuui: carelessness, heedlessness, negligence <<<
不注意な: huchuuina: derelict, careless, inattentive, sloppy
related words: 用心 , 留意


pronunciation: torishimari
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration , security
translation: control (n.), management, supervision, order, discipline, supervisor, overseer, director
取締る: torishimaru: control (v.), manage, supervise, oversee, regulate, keep in order, maintain, discipline
取締役: torishimariyaku: managing director <<<
取締役会議: torishimariyakukaigi: directors' meeting, board of directors <<< 会議
取締規則: torishimarikisoku: regulations, rules <<< 規則


pronunciation: ninshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security , politics
translation: attestation, certification, authentication
認証する: ninshousuru: attest, certify, authenticate
認証式: ninshoushiki: attestation ceremony, investiture <<<
related words: 認定


pronunciation: hijou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security , politics
translation: emergency
非常な: hijouna: extraordinary, extreme, great, awful
非常に: hijouni: very, very much, greatly, extremely, exceedingly, awfully, unusually
非常口: hijouguchi: emergency exit <<<
非常線: hijousen: police cordon <<<
非常時: hijouji: emergency time, crisis, state of emergency <<<
非常事態: hijoujitai <<< 事態
非常階段: hijoukaidan: fire escape <<< 階段
非常警報: hijoukeihou: alarm bell <<< 警報
非常召集: hijoushoushuu: emergency call
非常手段: hijoushudan: emergency [drastic] measure <<< 手段
related words: 大変


pronunciation: himitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security
translation: secret (n.), secrecy, mystery
秘密の: himitsuno: secret (a.), private, arcane
秘密に: himitsuni: secretly, in secret [private], confidence, privately
秘密裏, 秘密裡: himitsuri: in secret
秘密が漏れる: himitsugamoreru: A secret gets [leaks] out <<<
秘密を漏らす: himitsuomorasu: reveal [break, let out, give away] a secret
秘密を明かす: himitsuoakasu: let (a person) into a secret, disclose a secret, take (a person) into one's confidence, trust (a person) with a secret <<<
秘密を誓う: himitsuochikau: swear secrecy <<<
秘密を守る: himitsuomamoru: keep a secret, maintain secrecy <<<
秘密文書: himitsubunsho: confidential document <<< 文書
秘密書類: himitsushorui <<< 書類
秘密団体: himitsudantai: secret organization [society] <<< 団体
秘密結社: himitsukessha <<< 結社
秘密調査: himitsuchousa: secret inquiry <<< 調査
秘密探偵: himitsutantei: secret agent <<< 探偵
秘密会議: himitsukaigi: private [secret] meeting, conclave <<< 会議
秘密条約: himitsujouyaku: secret treaty <<< 条約
synonyms: , 極秘 , 機密 , 神秘 , 内緒


pronunciation: buji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security , travel
translation: safety, peace, good health
無事な: bujina: safe, sound, peaceful, uneventful
無事に: bujini: safely, in safety, in peace, quietly, all right, without accident, without a hitch
無事で: bujide
無事で居る: bujideiru: be (doing) well, live a peace <<<
無事を祈る: bujioinoru: pray for safety <<<
無事を祈ります: bujioinorimasu: Have a good trip! Bon voyage!
無事に暮らす: bujinikurasu: get along well <<<
無事に逃れる: bujininogareru: make good one's escape, save one's skin <<<
無事に着く: bujinitsuku: arrive safely, reach in good condition [order] <<<
無事に到着する: bujinitouchakusuru <<< 到着
無事に解決する: bujinikaiketsusuru: come to a satisfactory conclusion <<< 解決
synonyms: 無傷


pronunciation: hoan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security , war
translation: security, safety
保安官: hoankan: constable, sheriff <<<
保安隊: hoantai: security force <<<
保安林: hoanrin: forest reserve <<<
保安院: hoannin: nuclear and industrial safety agency <<<
保安要員: hoannyouin: maintenance personnel <<< 要員
保安警察: hoankeisatsu: security police <<< 警察
related words: セキュリティー , 警備


pronunciation: bouei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , security , sport
translation: defense, protection
防衛する: boueisuru: defend, protect
防衛軍: boueigun: security force <<<
防衛庁: boueichou: Defense agency (in Japan until 2007) <<<
防衛省: boueishou: ministry of defense <<<
防衛費: boueihi: defense expenses <<<
防衛力: boueiryoku: defense force <<<
防衛手段: boueishudan: means of defense <<< 手段
防衛大学: boueidaigaku: defense academy <<< 大学
防衛協定: boueikyoutei: defense pact <<< 協定
防衛同盟: boueidoumei <<< 同盟
防衛海域: boueikaiiki: defense [defensive] waters
防衛水域: boueisuiiki
防衛産業: boueisangyou: defense industry <<< 産業
防衛体制: boueitaisei: defensive system <<< 体制
防衛予算: boueiyosan: (national) defense budget <<< 予算
synonyms: 防御 , 守備 , 自衛


pronunciation: mukizu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 無疵
keyword: security
translation: flawlessness, perfectness, perfection, intactness
無傷の: mukizuno: unhurt, flawless, free from blemish, perfect, unbeaten, intact
synonyms: 無事


pronunciation: monban
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security
translation: doorman, doorkeeper
門番をする: monbannosuru: take up guard duty
門番小屋: monbangoya: porter's lodge <<< 小屋
related words: 守衛

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