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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11
Direct access: 追突 , 停止 , 停滞 , 点検 , 荷台 , 二輪 , 燃費 , 排気 , 風防 , 部品


pronunciation: tsuitotsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car
translation: rear-end collision
追突する: tsuitotsusuru: bump into the rear, collide [bump] from behind
related words: 衝突


pronunciation: teishi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car
translation: stop (n.), halt (n.)
停止する: teishisuru: stop (vi.), halt (vi.)
停止線: teishisen: stop line <<<
停止信号: teishishingou: stop signal <<< 信号
停止価格: teishikakaku: stop price <<< 価格
急停止: kyuuteishi: abrupt stop <<<


pronunciation: teitai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car , weather
translation: stagnation, accumulation, tie-up, downbeat
停滞する: teitaisuru: be stagnant, accumulated, tied up
停滞前線: teitaizensen: stationary front <<< 前線


pronunciation: tenken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car
translation: inspection, examination, roll calling
点検する: tenkensuru: examine, inspect, check, overhaul (a car), call the roll
related words: 検査 , チェック


pronunciation: nidai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car
translation: loading platform


pronunciation: nirin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car , flower
translation: two wheels, two flowers
二輪の: nirinnno: two-wheeled
二輪車: nirinsha: two-wheeled vehicle, motorbike <<< , バイク
二輪咲き: nirinzaki: twin flowers <<<
二輪戦車: nirinsensha: chariot (of Roman Empire) <<< 戦車
related words: 三輪


pronunciation: nenpi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car , energy
translation: mileage, fuel-efficiency
燃費が良い: nenpigaii: get good mileage, be fuel-efficient <<<


pronunciation: haiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car
translation: ventilation, exhaust (n.)
排気する: haikisuru: exhaust (v.), draw off
排気量: haikiryou: engine [piston] displacement, cylinder capacity <<<
排気管: haikikan: exhaust pipe <<<
排気口: haikikou: exhaust opening <<<
排気弁: haikiben: exhaust valve <<<
排気装置: haikisouchi: air escape <<< 装置
排気ガス: haikigasu: exhaust fumes, car exhaust


pronunciation: huubou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: car
translation: windbreak, windshield
風防ガラス: huubougarasu: windscreen, windshield


pronunciation: buhin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: technology , car
translation: part (of machine), component
related words: パーツ

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