Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42
Direct access: 興行 , 攻撃 , 交代 , 後退 , 好調 , 公認 , 後半 , 候補 , 呼吸 , 国技


pronunciation: kougyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show , sport
translation: performance, exhibition, show
興行する: kougyousuru: give performances, exhibit
興行団: kougyoudan: company, troupe <<<
興行師: kougyoushi: show proprietor, showman <<<
興行主: kougyounushi: promoter <<<
興行界: kougyoukai: entertainment world <<<
興行物: kougyoubutsu: performance, show piece <<<
興行権: kougyouken: performing rights <<<
夜興行: yorukougyou: soiree, night representation <<<
昼興行: hirukougyou: matinee <<<
related words: 巡業


pronunciation: kougeki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: attack, offense, aggression
攻撃する: kougekisuru: attack (v.), assault, fire
攻撃的: kougekiteki: offensive, aggressive <<<
攻撃側: kougekigawa: team at bat (in baseball) <<<
攻撃者: kougekisha: attacker <<<
攻撃軍: kougekigun: attacking force <<<
攻撃機: kougekiki: attack plane <<<
攻撃精神: kougekiseishin: offensive spirit <<< 精神
攻撃態勢: kougekitaisei: offensive position <<< 態勢
攻撃計画: kougekikeikaku: offensive plan <<< 計画
攻撃可能: kougekikanou: attackable, assailable, vulnerable <<< 可能
攻撃不可能: kougekihukanou: unattackable, unassailable, invulnerable
総攻撃: soukougeki: general offensive <<<
猛攻撃: moukougeki: onslaught <<<
synonyms: 襲撃 , 突撃
antonyms: 守備


pronunciation: koutai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 交替
keyword: sport , industry
translation: change (n.), relief, relay (n.), rotation, shift (n.), alteration, replacement
交代する: koutaisuru: change (v.), relay, relieve, rotate, shift (v.), alternate, replace
交代に: koutaini: alternately
交代員: koutaiin: a shift <<<
交代要員: koutaiyouin <<< 要員
交代時間: koutaijikan: changing time <<< 時間
交代作業: koutaisagyou: shift work <<< 作業


pronunciation: koutai
kanji characters: , 退
keyword: war , sport
translation: retreat (n.)
後退する: koutaisuru: retreat (v.), go [fall] back, recede, move [go] astern
antonyms: 前進


pronunciation: kouchou
kanji characters: , 調
keyword: sport
translation: top shape, good condition, satisfactory state
好調の: kouchouno: good, favorable, satisfactory
好調である: kouchoudearu: be in good form, go on smoothly
絶好調: zekkouchou: the best condition <<<


pronunciation: kounin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , politics
translation: official recognition, authorization, public approval
公認の: kouninnno: authorized, official
公認する: kouninsuru: recognize officially, authorize, legalize
公認記録: kouninkiroku: official record <<< 記録
公認候補: kouninkouho: authorize candidate <<< 候補
公認候補者: kouninkouhosha <<<
公認会計士: kouninkaikeishi: chartered [certified] public accountant


pronunciation: kouhan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , sport
translation: the latter half, the second half
後半に: kouhannni: in the second half of
後半戦: kouhansen: second half-time <<<
antonyms: 前半


pronunciation: kouho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , sport
translation: candidacy, candidature
候補する: kouhosuru: stand as a candidate
候補に立つ: kouhonitatsu <<<
候補地: kouhochi: proposed site <<<
候補者: kouhosha: candidate <<<
立候補: rikkouho: candidacy, candidature <<<


pronunciation: kokyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , sport
translation: breath, breathing, respiration, knack, tact, trick
呼吸の: kokyuuno: respiratory
呼吸する: kokyuusuru: breathe, respire
呼吸を止める: kokyuuotomeru: stop the breathing <<<
呼吸が苦しい: kokyuugakurushii: have difficulty in breathing, breathe hard <<<
呼吸が合う: kokyuugaau: hit it off together <<<
呼吸を教える: kokyuuooshieru: teach the knack <<<
呼吸器: kokyuuki: respiratory organs <<<
呼吸器病: kokyuukibyou: disease of respiratory organs <<<
呼吸困難: kokyuukonnnan: difficulty in breathing <<< 困難
呼吸運動: kokyuuundou: breathing exercise <<< 運動
深呼吸: shinkokyuu: deep [full] breath <<<
related words:


pronunciation: kokugi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: national sport
国技館: kokugikan: The National Sport Hall <<<

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